£7***╘■*(**╙■*&**&**&**&**&**&**&**&**&**&*╟*&∙(*&ë*&ë*0*'₧*'₧*'₧ *(**(**(**(***MAY 25, 26, 2003 - Conspiracy Con holds it╣s conference in San Jose on Memorial Day weekend each year. For information and a free program guide visit www.conspiracycon.com or call 1 (209) 832-0999.
MAY 24, 25, 26, 27, 2003 - The Northwest UFO Paranormal Conference is held in the late spring each year. For more information visit www.seattlechatclub.org
JUNE, 2003 - The International Remote Viewing Association holds its annual Remote Viewing conference in June each year. For more information visit www.rvconference.org
JUNE 27, 28, 29, 2003 - The Alternate Realities Conference (ARC) holds its annual conference in the Summer each year. For more information visit www.alternaterealities.org or call 1 (423) 735-0848.
JULY 4, 5, 6, 2003 - The Annual MUFON Symposium will be in Dearborn, Michigan this year. For a program guide or information on local chapters of MUFON visit www.mufon.com or call 1 (303) 932-7709.
JULY 4, 5, 2003 - The Roswell UFO Odyssey and Festival commemorates a UFO crash in New Mexico for the first week in July each year. For information visit www.uforoswell.com or call 1 (505) 623-5695.
JULY 4, 5, 6, 2003 - The Ancient of Days conference convenes in Rowell, NM each July 4th weekend.. For information visit www.ancientofdays.net or call 1 (505) 625-8496.
JULY 12, 13, 2003 - Another Mind Control related conference from Controlled America this time at U.C. Davis, CA. For information visit www.controlledamerica.itgo.com
JULY, 18, 29, 20, 2003 - The American Psychotronics Association holds it annual conference in the midwest each year. For information visit www.psychotronics.org or call 1 (262) 742-4790.
AUGUST 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 2003 - The Global Wings conference convenes in Colorado once per year in the Fall. For information visit www.global-wings.org
AUGUST 9, 10, 11, 2003 - Join the UFO Watch and Conference in Hooper, Colorado. For more information visit www.seekufos.com or call 1 (719) 378-2271.
AUGUST 30, 31 and SEPTEMBER 1, 2003 - The Cancer Control Society holds it annual conference in the fall each year in the Los Angeles area. This year's 31st annual conference is in Universal City. For more information visit www.cancercontrolsociety.com or call 1 (323) 663-7801.
SEPTEMBER 13, 14, 2003 - The Bay Area UFO Expo and Conference holds an annual conference in the fall each year. For information and a free program guide visit www.thebayareaufoexpo.com or call 1 (209) 836-4281.
SEPTEMBER 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 2003 - The Institute for Noetic Sciences holds it annual conference in the fall each year. This year it's in Palm Springs. For more information visit www.noetic.org or call 1 (707) 775-3500.
OCTOBER 11, 12, 2003 - The Universal Light Expo holds it's annual conference in the midwest each year. For more information visit www.universeexpo.com or call 1 (423) 735-0848.
OCTOBER 17, 18, 19, 2003 - Problems-Solutions-Innovations sponsors the Controlled Remote Viewing conference in the early summer each year. For more information visit www.crviewer.com
OCTOBER 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2003 - The American Massage Therapy Association holds several conferences nationwide each year. Their 60th annual national conference is in Richmond, Virginia this year. For more information visit www.amtamassage.org or call 1 (847) 864-0123 x 143.
NOVEMBER 8, 9, 2003 - The integrity Research Institute holds a free energy / new technology conference every year on the East coast. This year's Tesla Engergy Conference and Expo will convene in Maryland. For more information visit www.integrityresearchinstitute.org
ONGOING- APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, 2003 - The Body, Mind and Spirit Expo: Where America Explores the New Age is an ongoing nationwide conference series. Coming to a city near you: Charlotte, NC; Virginia Beach, VA; Indianapolis, IN; Portland, OR; Phoenix, AZ; Long Beach, CA; Grand Rapids, WI; West Palm Beach, FL; Melbourne, FL; Orlando, FL; Van Nuys, CA; Atlanta, GA; Riverside, CA; Nashville, TN; Chicago, IL; San Mateo, CA; San Jose, CA; Raleigh, SC; Pasadena, CA; San Diego, CA; Kansas City, KS; Orange County, CA; Austin, TX; Houston, TX; New Orleans, LA; Seattle, WA; Richmond, VA; Greenboro, SC, Sacramento, CA; and many more. For more information visit www.bmse.net or call 1 (541) 482-3722.
FEBRUARY 2004 - The International UFO Congress holds a twice-yearly, week long conference and film festival on UFOs and a variety of other subjects. People attend from around the world and it is considered the best conference of its kind. For additional information visit www.ufocongress.com or call 1 (303) 543-9443.
MARCH 2004 - The Aztec UFO Symposium is held once a year in the early spring in Aztec, NM, location of a famed UFO crash. For information visit www.aztecufo.com or call 1 (505) 334-9890.
APRIL 2004 - The Living the Fields Conference takes place in London England. For more information visit Living the Fields Conference
APRIL 2004 - The Ozark UFO conference convenes each year in Kentucky. For information visit www.ozarkufo.iwarp.com or call 1 (501) 354-2558.
APRIL 2004 - The New Living Expo is held twice a year in the San Francisco Bay Area. For information visit www.newlivingexpo.com or call 1 (415) 382-8300.
MAY 2004 - Cosmic Connections conducts the Crystal Healing Conference in the Spring of each year. For more information visit www.chetsnow.com or call 1 (928) 204-1962.
MAY 2004 - Adventures Unlimited holds its World Explorers Club Ancient Mysteries Conference several times a year. For more information or a program guide and a free book catalog visit www.wexclub.com or call 1 (815) 253-6390.
MAY 2004 - The 4th annual McMinnville UFO Fest convenes in McMinnville, Oregon each year. For information visit www.ufofest.com or call 1 (503) 472-8427.
NOVEMBER 7, 8, 2004 - The Bay Area Consciousness Network holds its annual conference in November each year. For information visit www.bacn.org
ONGOING - The Business Spirit Journal produces several spiritual and consciousness-related conferences each year. For information visit www.bizspirit.com or call 1 (505) 474-7604.
ONGOING - The Conscious Living Expo holds several conferences a year on the west coast. For additional information call 1 (888) 721-EXPO or visit www.consciouslivingexpo.com
Ancient Mysteries of North America, by TΘdd St. Rain. This in-depth slide presentations, which is based on his forthcoming book Mystery of America, outlines some of the most perplexing ancient mysteries and other anomalies that have been found in North America. Explore the evidence for Arabian, Celtic, Chinese, Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Hindu, Irish, Mesopotamian, Minoan, Nordic, Pacific Islander, Phoenician, Viking, Welsh, and West African voyages to the New World. Other topics include runestones and tablets found in the East; pre-historic mines near Lake Superior; Roman relics found in Arizona; enigmatic beehive structures, ancient coins unearthed in the Midwest; elephant slabs found in New Mexico; ground and rock petroglyphs in the Southwest; Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese characters; drawings of feathered serpents in Illinois; ancient footprints fossilized in rock; mound builders and their burial mounds; a 14-inch mummy found in Wyoming; human teeth found in coal deposits; red-headed giants that lived in Nevada; underground cities in the Grand Canyon; evidence for an advanced civilization; and many more anomalous finds discovered in North America. AMNA-01a Ç 110 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / AMNA-01 Ç 110 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95 Inquire on availability of other videos in St. Rain╣s │Mystery of the World▓ series.
Remote Viewing Training Sessions
Remote Viewing Training Sessions: Discovering Your Intuition, with Prudence Calabrese and TransDimensional Systems. Prudence Calabrese is the Director of TransDimensional Systems, www.largeruniverse.com, which provides information solutions to government, corporations and individuals using an array of services including remote viewing, knosomatics, intuitive counseling, technology transfer, consciousness mapping, physical profiling and other techniques. Prudence has been teaching people to remote view since 1996. She takes the scientific approach to the study of remote viewing and has developed methods and techniques that go far beyond the restrictive, protocol-based traditional remote viewing first developed over a generation ago at Stanford Research Institute. This seven-part, 13 hour, video program includes training in Basic Remote Viewing and Knosomatics, the Collector, Use of the Matrix and Advanced Post-Matrix Exercises. Included as a bonus is a discussion and explanation of techniques in Remote Healing and use of Remote Viewing for everyday purposes and career choices. Also covered is a live remote viewing and Knosomatics demonstration by Prudence and her team of professional remote viewers as presented for the London Sunday Times and HBO. This series takes the new Remote Viewer all the way through the Basic Training required to successfully remote view. Actual in-class results are shared, sessions are examined and the entire process is revealed. Join Prudence Calabrese and her staff as she leads another class into the unknown world and the Larger Universe. It╣s all here for you to watch, enjoy and learn. RVT-00a Ç 13 Hours on 7 Audio Tapes Ç $55.00 postpaid / RVT-00 Ç 13 Hours on 7 VHS Video Tapes Ç $110.00 postpaid / Introduction only Ç RVT-01 Ç 2 hour VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
The New Living Expo 2003
MARSAND VENUSONADIET, with John Gray. John Gray presents the concepts and invaluable practices from his new book The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution, revealing little-known information regarding how diet, exercise and communication skills combine to affect the production of healthy brain chemicals. Exploring issues not commonly known or expressed in other books and programs, you will gain insight to understand little known gender insights. This special worskshop presents the basic information for understanding nutrition, exercise, brain chemistry, sex hormones and stress management. In addition, this tape explains how necessary relationship skills will successfully stimulate the healthy production of brain chemicals. Once you have all the pieces of the puzzle in front of you, suddenly it all fits neatly together and you realize why diets, exercise programs or relationships may have failed in the past. NLE-01a Ç 113 min Audio Ç $12.00 / NLE-01 Ç 113 min Video Ç $19.95
THEPOWEROFFOCUS, with Jack Canfield. Jack Canfield is a skilled success coach, human potential trainer and the author of 60 books and ten audio programs including The Success Principles, Self-Esteem and Peak Performance, The Power of Focus and the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series with over 80 million copies in print. Based on his best-selling book, The Power of Focus: How to Hit Your Business, Personal and Financial Targets with Absolute Certainty, this presentation will share the secrets of how to double your income and double your time off in three years or less. Learn how to create more income, greater results, more time off and greater balance in your life. It╣s all possible. Jack will draw upon his 30 years of teaching experience and coaching people to achieve results. NLE-02a Ç 120 min Audio Ç $12.00 / NLE-02 Ç 125 min Video Ç $24.95
A REVOLUTIONARY NEW PROGRAM FORWEIGHTLOSS, GREATER HEALTHANDEMOTIONALHAPPINESS, with Jack Canfield and John Gray. Two legends of the health and relationship well-being genre ¡ Jack Canfield and John Gray ¡ discuss a revolutionary new weight-loss program that they have both benefited from and are now endorsing. Learn how with the right nutrition and exercise you and those you love can quickly, easily and effortlessly lose weight whenever you want and reap many other side benefits in your emotional and relational life as well. Jack Canfield lost 33 pounds in 35 days on this program, John Gray lost 15 pounds in 20 days, and others, have lost as much as 110 pounds in 5 months. Jack Canfield has collected over 60 of these success stories in his new book Chicken Soup for the Healthy Soul and John Gray writes about the program in his newest book The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution. NLE-03a Ç 2 90 min Audios Ç $20.00 / NLE-03 Ç 134 min Video Ç $24.95
THETRIBULATION ANDTHEEXODUSGENERATION, with Sean David Morton. │Sean David Morton is the real thing. A truly brilliant and witty modern day prophet. In fact he has become America╣s prophet. A true voice for all that lies ahead. I joke that he has more │hits▓ than Mark McGuire, Barry Bonds, the Sopranos or the Russian Mafia! Time and again, he has given exact dates for major world events. He has been so deadly accurate that it frightens. His predictions on my show been nothing short of astounding!▓ ¡Art Bell. Sean achieved national recognition when his expeditions to Area 51 made front-page news in the Los Angeles Times. Currently Sean is the director of the Prophecy Research Institute and since 1993 has published the Delphi Associates Newsletter. He continues to work in the TV and film industry as a writer and producer. He has gained worldwide fame and recognition for his incredibly accurate predictions given in his newsletter, Art Bell╣s radio show and his many TV appearances. Using his unique abilities as an Earth sensitive, and with information from his spiritual travels to our future, Sean will lay out the monumental time-line leading through the Great Exodus, this Age of Heroes and on into the Messianic Age. Specifics to be covered are the mark of the beast, the fate of America, Earth changes, economic forecasts, the presidency, the last great war and the coming messiah. NLE-04a Ç 2 90 min Audios Ç $20.00 / NLE-04v Ç 135 min Video Ç $24.95
SAVEDBYTHELIGHT, with Dannion Brinkley. Dannion Brinkley is the international best-selling author of Saved by the Light and At Peace With The Light. Saved By The Light was made into a television motion picture seen in over 60 countries. His amazing story has earned him appearances on Oprah, Larry King Live, CNN World News, Unsolved Mysteries, the BBC and many other television, radio and internet programs. Dannion is well known for his ability to survive against seemingly impossible odds including enduring two lightning strikes, open heart surgery, brain surgery and a massive grand mal seizure. After three NDEs (near death experiences) many concur that Brinkley is a walking miracle. Brinkley has taught millions not to fear the presently held concept of dying. For as a result of his journeys to the îother side╣ and back again, Dannion brings to the forefront the wondrous truth that there is indeed no such thing as death. His light-hearted and uproariously humorous delivery makes this workshop presentation informative and entertaining. NLE-05a Ç 105 min Audio Ç $12.00 / NLE-05v Ç 105 min Video Ç $19.95
PERFECTHEALTH: ANINTRODUCTIONTOTHEWORKOFDEEPAKCHOPRA, MD, with Leanne Backer and Bea Sochor. Leanne Backer is the lead educator and executive chef for the Chopra Center for Well Being. Join her and Chopra instructor Bea Sochor as they lead you through an introduction to the world-renowned work of Dr. Deepak Chopra. The presentation begins with a primordial sound mediation, leading into an overview of the principles of Ayurveda and nutrition. Also includes a question and answer period. This tape provides an overview of how these principles can lead to a balanced lifestyle and perfect health. NLE-06a Ç 85 min Audio Ç $12.00 / NLE-06v Ç 85 min Video Ç $19.95
COMPASSION, DNA AND PSYCHICABILITY, with Jelaila Starr. Jelaila Starr is an acclaimed Niburuan messenger, channel, teacher, counselor and author of We Are the Nibiruans. She touches the hearts of people around the world inspiring hope and understanding through her teachings of compassion. In this presentation she explains how to regain our psychic abilities, why it seems so difficult to do, what╣s the secret, and what the connection between our DNA, psychic ability and compassion? Join Jelaila as she reveals the secret │inner technology▓ locked within our DNA that not only restores our psychic abilities, but also returns us to full consciousness, enabling us to ascend and create the world we desire. NLE-07a Ç 62 min Audio Ç $12.00 / NLE-07v Ç 62 min Video Ç $19.95
THEPATHOFRELATIONSHIP, with Shakti Gawain. Shakti Gawain is a pioneer in the field of personal growth. Her many best-selling books include Creative Visualization, Living in the Light and The Path of Transformation. She discusses how our most important relationship is with ourselves, because it is the foundation for our life. All other relationships are mirrors which can help us become conscious, integrated beings. Discover how you can use your relationships as the most effective path to consciousness. Find out exactly how problem areas in your relationships reflect valuable lessons you need to learn so that you can experience more fulfilment and satisfaction in life. Some areas of discussion will include discovering why opposites attract, moving through fear of commitment, finding a life partner, communicating honestly and effectively, balancing closeness and independence, integrating our shadow side and developing true intimacy. NLE-08a Ç 111 min Audio Ç $12.00 / NLE-08v Ç 111 min Video Ç $19.95
BUDDHISM ONTURTLEISLAND ¡ ITSFIFTHRENAISSANCE, with Robert A. F. Thurman. Robert Thurman is a scholar, author, former Tibetan Buddhist mon, Director of Tibet House in New York City, and a close personal friend of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Professor Gadjun Nagao once put forth a theory about the fifth renaissance of Buddhism possibly occurring in America. It could happen! To ponder this, we must first consider what Buddhism is? A way of life? A philosophy? A religion? Ameditative practice? Would its spread in America be a good thing? What could a practicing Buddhist do to help it along? Should followers of religions regard it with apprehension? Compete with it? Welcome it with open arms? These questions and more are answered in this sketch of a positive vision of the future of Buddhism in America. NLE-09a Ç 78 min Audio Ç $12.00 / NLE-09v Ç 78 min Video Ç $19.95
FROMCHAOS TOCREATION, with Jean Houston. Jean Houston is a prolific author and scholar. Among her many books are Public Like A Frog, The Hero and The Goddess, The Possible Human, the Search for the Beloved, Manual for the Peacemaker, amongst others. Sometimes the human species has been left with a challenge so huge and so singular as to seem more mythic than real. We currently live at the center of this challenge. What can consciousness, with its immense resources, bring to such a critical moment? We must seek deeper meaning to the great questions that have energized people to tap into the unknown. These aspects of ourselves, the engendering of a passion for the possible in our human and social development. In so doing, we discover ways of transcending and transforming. It is an extraordinary life that has the capacity to engage the world and make a difference. NLE-10a Ç 107 min Audio Ç $12.00 / NLE-10v Ç 107 min Video Ç $19.95
EROS, GENDERANDTHESACRED PANELDISCUSSION, with Randy Conner, David Sparks, Xochipala Maes Valdez, Arisika Razak and Andrew Ramer. This powerful and important panel discussion about sexuality, spirituality and the LGBTcommunity. What are the gifts and visions that this community brings to spiritual traditions? What are the roles that LGBT persons have played in religious and spiritual movements? How do we get past gender and preference and go to the depth of the human soul. This presentation explains all of this and more. Randy Conner, the moderator, is an educator and author of Encyclopedia of Queer Myths, Symbol and Spirit. David Sparks is an ethnomusicologist and writer. Xochipala Maes Valdez is a Yoruba Priest of Isa and Obatala. Arisika Razak is on the faculty of the California Institute of Integral Studies. Andrew Ramer is the author of Two Flutes Plays. Come join these experts as they discuss the sacred, gender and the spirit. NLE-11a Ç 75 min Audio Ç $12.00 / NLE-11v Ç 75 min Video Ç $19.95
UFOS: THECURRENTCONVERSATION, with Robert Perala, Dr. Brian O╣Leary, Ralph Steiner, Linda WIllets, Michael Horn and Mark Kimmel. Up until now, most of the focus on UFOs has been │is any of this real, and if it is real, where is the evidence?▓ Only by exposing the full truth around the UFO question can we get to the core reasons for the intense secrecy surrounding this issue and the potential use of a highly sophisticated technology for the betterment of our planet. Many researchers now realize that this deep rooted political, economic and social issue that transcends the mere notion that the totality of this experience revolves around hardware and sightings of craft. Only by discussing the full truth around the UFO question can we get to the core reasons for the intense secrecy surrounding this issue. Robert Perala, the moderator, is the author of Divine Blueprint, Brian O╣Leary is a former NASA astronaut and scientist, Ralph Steiner is an independent producer and science journalist, Linda Willets is an assistant to Dr. Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project, Michael Horn represents the Billy Meier material and Mark Kimmel is the author of Trillium, a message of extraterrestrial and spiritual implications. Join this panel of experts as they discuss the mysteries of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. NLE-12a Ç 85 min Audio Ç $12.00 / NLE-12v Ç 85 min Video Ç $19.95
Signs of Destiny: Crop Circles and
Sacred Geometry Conference 2002
EGYPT AND THE SCIENCE OF IMMORTALITY: Parts 1 and 2, with John Anthony West. Ancient Egypt was a one-issue civilization - its energies were entirely devoted to expressing and furthering its doctrine of Immortality. The number symbolism, the geometry of the temples, the fabulous architecture, art and sculpture, even the gods themselves, all played a role in this astonishing doctrine that fused science, art, religion and philosophy into a single, coherent Wisdom Teaching. Mere lectures do not allow enough time to broach this broad subject, but this 3-hour Institute provides a golden opportunity to explore Ancient Egypt╣s major aspects in depth, along with my latest research into how that system actually performed. This presentation is his Friday afternoon workshop. SIGNS-01a & 02a Ç 2 90 min Audios Ç $22.00 / SIGNS-01 and 02 Ç 2 90 min Videos Ç $39.95
THE GREAT SPHINX AND THE QUEST TO REWRITE HISTORY, with John Anthony West. A writer, scholar and Pythagorean from New York, John Anthony West is the author of │The Traveler╣s Key to Ancient Egypt▓ and │Seprent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt.▓ The ancient Egyptians attributed their wisdom to an earlier age going back 36,000 years. John set out to test whether the Sphinx is older than its recognized date of 2,500 B.C. His finding provide the first hard evidence that an earlier civilization preceded Egypt╣s dynastic history. Today he╣s an authority on the │Symbolist▓ school of Egyptology, a view first proposed by French scholar-philosopher, R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz. In the Symbolist view, ancient Egyptian art and architecture disclose richer, more universal wisdom than conventional Egyptology has assumed. John Anthony West won an Emmy Award for his 1993 NBC Special Documentary, │The Mystery of the Sphinx,▓ hosted by Charlton Heston. This presentation is his Saturday evening keynote address. For more information visit www.jawest.com SIGNS-03a Ç 2 70 min Audios Ç $19.95 / SIGNS-03 Ç139 min Video Ç $24.95
THE CROP CIRCLES PRIMARY MESSAGE, with Drunvalo Melchizedek. As a celebrated mystic and teacher, Drunvalo Melchizedek╣s life experience reads like and encyclopedia of breakthroughs in human endeavor. After having taking physics and art at UC Berkeley, he ventured out, and over the last 25 years has studied with over 70 masters from all belief systems and religious backgrounds. An accomplished speaker, he instinctively communicates what╣s in this heart, his personal warmth, his love for life in all forms and his deep compassion for humanity. His │Flower of Life▓ teachings and │Mer-ka-ba▓ meditation system have help thousands better understand their own history and life╣s work. An expert on Sacred Geometry, he has studied how Crop Circles manifest these ancient forms for a decade. For more information visit www.floweroflife.com SIGNS-04a Ç 118 min Audio Ç $12.00 / SIGNS-04 Ç 118 min Video Ç $19.95
SACRED GEOMETRY WORKSHOP, with Drunvalo Melchizedek. Drunvalo's information was given to him from 1972 through the 1980s by Thoth, best known as the Egyptian deity of inner wisdom pertaining to science, mathematics, and literature. Since the 1980s, Drunvalo has been presenting his Flower of Life Workshops (either personally or through his trained facilitators). His work has been spread to at least 40 countries, is taught in many languages (such as Spanish, Dutch, German, French, Japanese), and has deeply touched thousands of people around the globe. When the teachings of geometry are used to show the ancient truth that all life emerges from the same blueprint, we can clearly see that life springs from the same source ¡ the intelligent, unconditionally loving creative force some call "God." When geometry is used to express and explore this great truth, a broader understanding of the universe unfolds until we can see that all aspects of reality become sacred. The ancients such as the Egyptians, Mayans, and others all knew this truth and incorporated sacred geometry teachings into their mystery schools as a way for anyone to begin to practically understand his or her personal relationship to "God" and the universe. In this presentation, Drunvalo speaks on the experience in his life that lead him on the path to the practice the flower of life teachings. A full two-hour presentation on the flower of life and sacred geometry. For more information visit www.floweroflife.com SIGNS-05a Ç 2 hour Audio Ç $12.00 / SIGNS-05 Ç118 min Video Ç $19.95
THE IMPORTANCE OF HOW AND WHEN THE CROP CIRCLE PHENOMENON BEGAN, with Colin Andrews. One of the earliest and best-known crop circle researchers and authors, Colin became involved in this mystery when, in 1983, he saw a quintuplet formation near his home in Andover, England. An electrical engineer by training, he was intrigued about what forces could create such perfect glyphs in crop fields. In 1989 he and Pat Delgado wrote │Circular Evidence,▓ a best-seller, followed by │Crop Circles: The Latest Evidence,▓ a year later. Colin founded Circles Phenomenon Research International (CPRI) and later moved to Connecticut. His scientific investigations have been widely recognized as models in the field and he has been featured in many crop circle documentaries. Recently, he has stated that while he considers many complex formations to be man-made, one cannot rule out unknown paranormal involvement in the rest. For more information visit www.cropcircleinfo.com SIGNS-06a Ç 92 min Audio Ç $12.00 / SIGNS-06 Ç 92 min Video Ç $19.95
THERMAL PLASMAS OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN: Hessdalen 2002, with Linda Moulton Howe. An Emmy-award winning investigative journalist and author, now living near Philadelphia, Linda was the creative genius behind the original │Sightings▓ TV Series. For several years she has provided millions of listeners with a weekly UFO update and summary at the beginning of the │Dreamland▓ radio show and has done numerous guest appearances on Art Bell╣s │Coast to Coast▓ late-night show. One of the most serious and respected investigators of the paranormal, her interests include alien abductions, animal mutilations, crop circles and ET contacts. She has This lecture focuses on here latest research into the mysterious plasma and glowing orb effects found in a remote valley in Hessdalen, Norway. She╣s working on a new documentary on the subject, visit www.earthfiles.com for more information. SIGNS-07a Ç 54 min Audio Ç $12.00 / SIGNS-07 Ç 54 min Video Ç $19.95
THE CIRCLES, THE SCIENCE AND AN EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT, with Nancy Talbott. Raised in Baltimore, Nancy studied psychology at Johns Hopkins and Harvard. After discovering the crop circle phenomenon in 1991, she worked with Michigan biophysicist Wm. C. Levengood and John Burke, organizing an international reporting and field-sampling network for Wm. Levengood╣s laboratory analysis. In 1999 she incorporated the BLT Research organization into a non-profit corporation, which she now heads, and received a Laurence Rockefeller grant. With this funding she has expanded the scope of crop circle research so that BLT Inc. team now includes scientific consultants from multiple disciplines. Having herself had both personal experiences and scientific training, Nancy has a unique perspective on this ongoing enigma. For more information visit www.bltresearch.com SIGNS-08a Ç 92 min Audio Ç $12.00 / SIGNS-08 Ç 92 min Video Ç $19.95
SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS OF CROP CIRCLES: A Practical Guide, with Nancy Talbott. Nancy Talbott is president of BLT Research Team Inc., whose primary goal is the discovery and scientific documentation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or energy system) responsible for creating them and to determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature and source of these energies. Secondly, our intent is to publish these research results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and to disseminate this information to the general public. BLT Inc. is comprised of several hundred trained field-sampling personnel in the U.S., Canada and Europe who collect plant and soil samples at crop circle sites for analyses by a number of scientists (see "Professional Consultants") in various disciplines. The hard work of these field teams and their careful adherence to field-sampling protocols has contributed enormously to the on-going discoveries in the laboratory and the large database of factual information that now exists. This presentation outlines the basic research and results obtained so far, highlighting individual crop circle case studies from a number of countries. Slides of recent crop circles in North America and Europe are included, as well as anecdotal reports of associated strange phenomena encountered by personnel working in the fields each summer. For more information visit www.bltresearch.com SIGNS-09a Ç 108 min Audio Ç $12.00 / SIGNS-09 Ç 108 min Video Ç $19.95
FIELD OF DREAMS: Crop Circles in Canada, with Paul Anderson. A media writer and graphic designer by profession, Paul Anderson has had a life-long interest in future studies and alternative science. In 1990, he became fascinated with the visually-inspiring crop circle phenomenon. As the numbers of Canadian formations grew, he saw the need for an organized network of local researchers to study them scientifically. He help found the group that is now known as the │Canadian Crop Circle Research Network.▓ It links researchers in seven Canadian provinces. As group coordinator, Paul maintains the CCCRN website, www.cccrn.com, and E-news service from his Vancouver, BC, office. SIGNS-10a Ç 68 min Audio Ç $12.00 / SIGNS-10 Ç 68 min Video Ç $19.95
GROWING CROP CIRCLE SEEDS FOR FOOD, with Steve Purkable. A gentleman farmer from Illinois, Steve Purkable became interested in crop circles in 1992 and built his first 3-D model of a formation in April, 1993. Since then he has made more than 400 models of different crop circles. In 1997, he came into possession of some crop circle wheat seeds and began a long-term study of their growth potential. His seventh generation of crop circle wheat plantings has recently matured. SIGNS-11a Ç 26 min Audio Ç $12.00 / SIGNS-11 Ç 26 min Video Ç $19.95
ENGLAND╣S CROP CIRCLES OF 2002, with Francine Blake. A native of Montreal, Canada, Francine studied the Classics and Art. In 1969 she moved to London to continue her studies; there she married and Englishman. A student of Gurdjief╣s philosophy and Zen Buddhism, she discovered the crop circle phenomenon in 1987. In 1992, she and her family moved to Wiltshire where she helped found the Wiltshire branch of the │Center for Crop Circle Studies.▓ The group became the │Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group▓ in 1996. As its coordinator, Francine now edits │The Spiral,▓ and organizes the Wiltshire Crop Circle Conference each summer. An accomplished painter, she learned digital photography for the group╣s annual calendar, the only one to feature color aerial photos of the current season. She feels most crop circles are │manifestations from other dimensions▓ and not mere human creations. SIGNS-12a Ç 115 min Audio Ç $12.00 / SIGNS-12 Ç 115 min Video Ç $19.95
CROP CIRCLES IN GERMANY: Amazing Recent Developments, with Andreas Mueller. As a student of graphic design at the School of Fine Arts and Design in Saarbrucken, Germany, Andreas Mueller became interested in the crop circle phenomenon for nearly 10 years. Since 1994 he has been investigating crop circles in both England and Germany. In 1994, he also founded the │International Crop Circle Archives,▓ which has become one of the largest databases on this phenomenon with 4,000 records from 45 countries, covering five centuries. In 2001 he published │Kornkreise: Geometric, Phaenomene, Forshung,▓ in German. His slide lecture will also feature photos taken by German photographer Frank Laumen. For more information visit www.invisiblecircle.de SIGNS-13a Ç 85 min Audio Ç $12.00 / SIGNS-13 Ç 85 min Video Ç $19.95
CROP CIRCLES REVEALED: A Spiritual Perspective, with Barbara Lamb. A licensed Psychotherapist in Claremont, CA, specializing in hypnotic regressions to remember past lives or alien contacts. Barbara has also been investigating crop circles since 1991. She recently co-authored │Crop Circles Revealed: Language of the Light Symbols,▓ with channel Judith Moore. Barbara has stated her belief that the electromagnetic light and sound frequencies of each crop circle are mathematical and geometric formulas for the healing of our planet, for the evolution of our world and for the spiritual ascension of the human species. Barbara╣s unique perspective on the crop circle enigma even takes │human-made▓ formations into account as she feels they too are influenced by unseen forces whose ultimate purpose is both positive and spiritual. For more information visit www.blambms.com SIGNS-14a Ç 85 min Audio Ç $12.00 / SIGNS-14 Ç 85 min Video Ç $19.95
CROP CIRCLES 2001-2002: A Year of Surprises, with Dr. Chet Snow. An internationally-acclaimed author, lecturer, researcher and regression therapist, Chet Snow has degrees from Columbia University and Paris╣ Sorbonne. As the promoter of the │Signs of Destiny▓ conference, the third in a series of Earth Mysteries conventions, designed to study what has led our species and the planet to these special times of challenge and opportunity. In this lecture, Chet Snow will reveal the latest information on crop circles from the English countryside of the 2001-2002 season. For more information and to find out about future events visit www.chetsnow.com SIGNS-15a Ç 53 min Audio Ç $12.00 / SIGNS-15 Ç 53 min Video Ç $19.95
SIGNS OF DESTINY: Crop Circle and Sacred Geometry Conference 2002 - Tempe, Arizona. Complete conference set. SIGNS-92a Ç 22+ hours on 16 audio tapes Ç $120.00 Ç SIGNS-92 Ç 22+ hours on 15 videotapes Ç $225.00
New Science / Ancient Wisdom - 2000 Conference
The Cosmic Origins of Man, with Father Charles Moore. Father Charles Moore graduated from Stanford University with a degree in law, was admitted to the California Bar and then was elected District Attorney of Santa Cruz County in 1954. He was ordained a Roman Catholic Priest in 1964. Father Charlie is a local spiritual leader, historian and scholar who speaks about our history, spirituality, ancient cultures and modern society. His broad grasp on human nature, our origins, organized religions, legends and myths make this presentation a fascinating and informative exposΘ of our ancient political and religious practices. Learn about the │Theories of Knowledge▓ and the │100th Monkey Internet.▓ With his incredible knowledge he gives new dimensions and deeper understandings to topics we thought we already knew. He has traveled extensively in search of the roots of religious practice. His quest has taken him to Britain, Europe, Alaska, Mexico, and India as well as he homelands of several Native American tribes where he has studied over a dozen languages. He shares with us his highly unconventional views about human genetic, religious and cultural origins. BACN-01a Ç 108 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-01 Ç 108 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
21st Century Visions of Nostradamus, with Dolores Cannon. Dolores Cannon is an internationally known specialist in the recovery and cataloging of │lost▓ knowledge through regression. Cannon is a regressive hypnotist specializing in past life recall, and she is fascinated by the details of history revealed by many of her subjects. Through her communication with Nostradamus, she has written three volumes of │conversations▓ which interpret almost 1000 prophecies of the 16th century seer. Her Nostradamus series is particularly interesting, as her subjects appear to have traveled through both time and space while in trance, and to have contacted the living Michel de Notredame, (Nostradamus) in his own time. Dolores Cannon is a warm and likable person. Working through several different subjects, Dolores was able to establish communication with the living Michel De Notredame better known as the prophet, Nostradamus. His revelations and their impact on our own time provide a fascinating look into a rarely discussed subject. BACN-02a Ç 92 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-02 Ç 92 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
Human Relationships with ETs, with Barbara Lamb. Barbara Lamb, a regular at our conferences and one of the nation╣s most experienced therapists working with UFO experiencers, suggests that either the numbers of experiencers are rising rapidly or more people are willing to talk publicly about such encounters. Barbara Lamb is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who specializes in doing regression therapy with extraterrestrial contactees and abductees. A former Executive Vice President of the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies, Lamb has trained many other psychotherapists and hypnotherapists. Ms. Lamb has worked with over 200 separate individuals who have come to her for clarity in regards to their ET contacts. Barbara is well known and highly respected for her work on an international level. This tape describes her experiences in hypnotherapy with regards to human relationships with extraterrestrials. She discusses ongoing human relationships with ETs and shows slides that she has just recently compiled. BACN-03a Ç 55 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-03 Ç 55 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
ET Relationships Panel, with Barbara Lamb, Pamela Stonebrooke, Eve Lorgen and Dolores Cannon. Barbara Lamb, a regular at our conferences and one of the nation╣s most experienced therapists working with UFO experiencers, suggests that either the numbers of experiencers are rising rapidly or more people are willing to talk publicly about such encounters. Pamela Stonebrooke, also known as the Intergalactic Diva, a professional singer in the Los Angeles area, is writing the story of her alien encounters. In her presentation, Pamela shares her encounters with her four Grey hybrid daughters, and openly discusses her experiences with the Reptilians. From terror and denial to awakening and expansion, Pamela proposes a metaphysical perspective of this phenomenon. Eve Lorgen╣s interest in the UFO phenomenon began early in life as a result of multiple witnessed UFO sightings with family members. She holds a Bachelor╣s degree in Biochemistry from San Francisco State University and a Master╣s degree in counseling Psychology. She provides insights from her recent book, The Alien Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships, which explores how alien beings may be orchestrating human love dramas for their own ends. Dolores Cannon has written several books on the prophecies of Nostradamus. On the panel, she shares information from her latest book, The Custodians, which discusses distorted time, screen memories and reasons for abductions. These experts have gathered to discuss the relationships between ETs and humans. BACN-04a Ç 80 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-04 Ç 80 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
Science, Politics and the New Millennium, with Dr. Nick Begich. Best selling author and lecturer Dr. Nick Begich presents an overview of the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) transmitter and antenna in Alaska. His countless years of research help to provide a glimpse of new technological achievements that can help better the environment and reshape mankind in the future. Pulling from an array of extensive documentation from government, academic and media sources, Begich is able explain the big picture in terms that anyone can understand. Nick Begich co-authored the book Angels Don╣t Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, and wrote Towards a New Alchemy: The Millennium Science. His latest book Earth Rising - The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace was co-authored with James Roderick in December 1999. He is also the editor of Earthpulse Flashpoints, a continuing new-science book series. On the eve of the 2000 presidential election, Nick discussed science and politics in the new millennium. He discussed differences between the two major parties and what is going behind the scenes. He also gave an update on the latest research activities including new technologies, health and earth science related issues. There was a citywide power loss shortly after Begich began his presentation, but through the use of a quickly replaced battery pack, only a few moments of this valuable presentation were lost. BACN-05a Ç 119 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-05 Ç 119 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
Music of the Spheres, with Randy Masters. Randy Masters, a musician, composer and recording artist, has delved deeply into the study of sacred geometry, harmony and resonance, searching for the true knowledge of the music of the spheres. He has been a musician and educator about the science of music for many years. He has a unique understanding of the harmonic mathematics, and teaches about the ancient knowledge of Pythagoras and esoteric teachings. Randy Masters is a composer, publisher and multi-talented musician specializing in world music composition and performance. He also taught seven years at San Jose State University. He has released numerous recordings of multi-national jazz music and composed several feature-length movie scores. He specializes in spiritual teaching and harmonic attunements using special tuning forks designed from his research, color and essential oils. Randy explains how sound could be the key to unlocking and opening monuments such as the Hall of Records under the Sphinx, which contain information about advanced civilizations before Egypt. Randy also reveals how our bodies contain the microcosm of these codes that can be ignited through sound to explore these ancient structures. BACN-06a Ç 77 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-06 Ç 77 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
Technology of the Gods, with David Hatcher Childress. David Hatcher Childress is a real-life Indiana Jones. He has written a series of books about his journeys and research into lost cities and ancient mysteries of Africa, Arabia, China, Central Asia, India, South America Ancient Lemuria, Central America, Atlantis, Europe, as well as other locations. He is recognized as an expert not only on ancient civilizations and technology, but also on free energy, anti-gravity and UFOs. His books on these subjects include The Anti-Gravity Handbook, Extraterrestrial Archeology, The Free-Energy Device Handbook, and The Time Travel Handbook. In his lecture, he presents fascinating information on the advanced technology and anomalous architecture of our predecessors from around the globe. David Hatcher Childress provides a qualified presentation about his search for Atlantis, megalithic cultures and ancient technology. From the Hittite empire of the Middle East to the mountains of South America and the plains of Central America, records of ancient civilizations of an advanced nature are found throughout the world. In this presentation, Childress explores the massive cities high in the Andes and their links to Atlantis and Mu. A full two hours with over 200 slides from his travels around the world. Visit www.wexclub.com for more info. BACN-07a Ç 122 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-07 Ç 122 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
ANCIENT WISDOM / NEW SCIENCE: 2000 Conference - Berkeley, California. Complete conference set. BACN-90a Ç 10+ hours on 7 audio tapes Ç $55.00 / BACN-90 Ç 10+ hours on 7 videotapes Ç $110.00
Ancient Wisdom / New Science - 2001 Conference
Bigfoot / UFO Connection, with Jack │Kewaunee▓ Lapseritis.. Kewaunee Lapseritis is a social scientist, applied anthropologist and health care professional who has thoroughly researched the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon for the last 45 years. In 1979, Kewaunee received the shock of his life when both a Bigfoot and ET simultaneously communicated with him telepathically. Since that time, he has documented 95 percipients, including a college professor, a government administrator and a whole array of people who have had similar psychic close encounters. Unlike many researchers looking for hard evidence of this elusive creature, Lapseritis has concentrated more on documenting the │experience▓ of the phenomenon, and gathering first-hand accounts of contacts. His │proof▓ is not a dead body, nor even a plaster cast, but takes the form of a consensus reality. That is, after hearing dozens of accounts of Sasquatch contact from witnesses who tell similar stories it is impossible for him not to accept the truth of these experiences. His findings are chronicled in his book, The Psychic Sasquatch and Their UFO Connection. BACN-08a Ç 102 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-08 Ç 102 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
Out-of-Body Adventures, with Albert Taylor. Al Taylor, Ph.D., left behind nearly two decades of work as an aeronautical engineer/scientist to become a metaphysical researcher, teacher, lecturer and artist. Taylor describes his Out-of-Body (OBEs) with great insight and humor. Taylor reveals how these paranormal events have impacted his personal growth and relationships. Born and raised in Southern California, at seventeen, he elected to serve his country by enlisting into the United States Air Force. During his tour of duty in the USAF, he continued his education by attending nearby colleges and universities. His aerospace career continued as he performed development engineering on a top-secret program which has since become known as the F-117A Stealth Fighter. He was also involved in NASA╣s International Space Station program. After a myriad of paranormal events, and as a result of a spiritual awakening, Taylor left behind nearly two decades of work as an aeronautical engineer/scientist, to author and publish his book, Soul Traveler. With his characteristic wit, he reveals how paranormal events have impacted his personal growth and explain step-by-step how you can also have an OBE. BACN-09a Ç 93 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-09 Ç 93 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
Egyptian Mysteries, with Karena Bryan. Karena Bryan is a dynamic healer, writer, teacher and practitioner of the matriarchal Egyptian mysteries. She is a lifelong student of ancient and modern spiritual practice, with particular emphasis on social, cultural, and political anthropology as it applies to the Divine Feminine. As part of her ageless soul╣s quest for knowledge, particularly that knowledge which might be shared and utilized for the peaceful benefit of humankind and Mother Earth, Karena continues to study and practice numerous global traditions. This tape describes her travels and experience in and with the people of Egypt, and how their ancient mysteries touch even our modern society. Splitting her residence between the U.S. and Egypt, she has worked together with soul partner Hakim and co-authored a soon-to-be-published book: Egypt and The Awakening. Karena╣s training includes over ten years of study and practice of shamanic healing. In her presentation she provides a visual map of the role of the goddess and the sacred teachings of procreative alchemy. BACN-10a Ç 61 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-10 Ç 61 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
UFOs and Religion Panel, with Stella Harder-Kucera, Moderator and Ted Peters, Jose Tirado and Matthew Fox, Panelists. Stella Harder-Kucera is a Filipina journalist, independent filmmaker and spiritual director who took a special reading course on UFOs with Dr. Ted Peters while pursuing the Master of Divinity/Master of Arts degree. Matthew Fox is a creation spirituality theologian who has been an ordained priest since 1967. A liberation theologian and progressive visionary, he was silenced by the Vatican and later dismissed from the Dominican order. He offers his insights on the phenomenon of UFOs, and how spirituality can be helpful in handling unexplained and unexpected experiences. Ted Peters is Professor of Systematic Theology at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley, CA. He directs the Science and Religion Course Program at the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences at the Graduate Theological Union. He has a longstanding theological interest in the possibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe. He is a Theology consultant for MUFON and was a former Louisiana MUFON Regional Director for Investigations. Jose Tirado is a Chaplain and Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisory Candidate at California Pacific Medical Center╣s Institute for Health and Healing. JosΘ is ordained as a Pastoral Care Minister in the Nalandabodhi Buddhist Community. BACN-11a Ç 86 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-11 Ç 86 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
Paradigm Politics, with Daniel Sheehan. Daniel Sheehan is a social activist who has spent virtually his entire life working on progressive social programs and initiatives. As the Legal Counsel on such nationally-recognized investigative cases involving government as The Karen Silkwood Case, The Iran/Contra Case, The Pentagon Papers Case, The Watergate Burglary Case, and The American Sanctuary Movement Case, Dan brings to the issue of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the UFO Phenomenon a unique background in investigating and exposing the world of American governmental covert operations, │black budget▓ operations, mind control programs, government disinformation projects, covert warfare and clandestine operations. He established the Christic Institute in Washington, DC, which for nearly two decades was the country╣s preeminent public-interest law firm. Mr. Sheehan served as Legal Counsel for Dr. John Mack when he was called before a Harvard University faculty committee to answer for his position on alien abduction. Recently Daniel served as Director of │The Strategic Initiative to Identify the New Paradigm▓ for the State of the World Forum. He currently teaches World Politics at UC Santa Cruz and acts as General Counsel to Dr. Stephen Greer╣s Disclosure Project. BACN-12a Ç 115 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-12 Ç 115 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
Intuitive Animal Communication, with Raphaela Pope. Raphaela Pope was a critical care nurse for many years before becoming a telepathic animal communicator. She has made her living for many years by talking to animals about life and death, about health and behavior problems, asking their opinions and discovering their desires. She has spoken with animals in their homes, shelters, rehabilitation centers, humane societies, on ranches, and in the wild. From this background of daily conversation and interaction, she has developed an authoritative vision about who and what animals are, what motivates them, and what their wisdom and insight can offer humans in an electronic age. She is an expert teacher, workshop leader, and sought-after speaker by animal clubs and organizations. Her journey is described in her book, Wisdom of Animals: Communication Between Animals and the People Who Love Them, which she co-wrote with Elizabeth Morrison. She helps people locate lost pets, solve behavior problems, diagnose illnesses and even simply find out what their pets are thinking. In her presentation she shares some simple techniques with the audience. BACN-13a Ç 79 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-13 Ç 79 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
Forbidden ArchAeology, with Michael Cremo. Michael Cremo is on the cutting edge of science and culture issues. In the course of a few months╣ time he might be found on pilgrimage to sacred sites in India, appearing on a national television show, lecturing at a mainstream science conference, or speaking to an alternative science gathering. As he crosses disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality. Michael Cremo is a member of the History of Science Society, the World Archeological Congress, the Philosophy of Science Association, the European Association of Archaeologists and associate member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute specializing in history and philosophy of science. Michael Cremo╣s book Forbidden Archeology has become a classic in the history of archeology. It is filled with evidence showing that humans like us have existed on earth for tens of millions of years. This stands in stark contrast to the conventional scientific beliefs that humans like us have been present on this planet for only about 100,000 years. In his talk, Michael shows some of the more spectacular examples of what have been called out-of-place artifacts and outlines the extreme antiquity of humanity. He also explains how he was inspired by the ancient Sanskrit writings of India and other wisdom traditions. BACN-14a Ç 119 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-14 Ç 119 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
ANCIENT WISDOM / NEW SCIENCE: 2001 Conference - Berkeley, California. Complete conference set. BACN-91a Ç 11 hours on 7 audio tapes Ç $55.00 / BACN-91 Ç 10 hours on 7 videotapes Ç $110.00
Ancient Wisdom / New Science - 2002 Conference
Talking to the Other Side, with Mark Macy. Based in Boulder, Colorado, Macy is part of a growing international community of people working to contact the deceased. Mark Macy was an agnostic until a brush with colon cancer set him on a spiritual search in the 1980s. Then he learned about the miracles of Instrumental Trans-Communication (ITC): personal letters planted mysteriously in computers by invisible hands, images from other realms flashing across TV screens, and actual phone calls from angels. He immersed himself in ITC, and the amazing results of his research can be seen on his website www.worlditc.org and in his new book, îMiracles in the Storm.╣ Imagine picking up the telephone one day and hearing the voice of a professional colleague ¡ long deceased. These researchers use contemporary electronic technology ¡ from audio and video recorders to personal computers ¡ for documenting what they claim are communications from their friends and associates on │the other side.▓ According to Macy, he and his earthside colleagues are joined in this bridge-building effort by a distinguished team of deceased scientists and artists who call themselves │Timestream.▓ His mission is simple: to present graphic evidence that the worlds of the dead and the living are coming closer together. BACN-15a Ç 86 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-15 Ç 86 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
New Paradigms for Love, with Deborah Taj Anapol. Deborah Taj Anapol attended Barnard College, graduated Phi Beta Kappa from UC Berkeley and received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Washington in 1981. She is the author of Polyamory: The New Love Without Limits (1997), co-founder of Loving More magazine and producer of the Pelvic-Heart Integration videos (2002). Compersion: Using Jealousy as a Path to Unconditional Love is now available in Xerox pamphlet form, and she is currently at work on a book about balancing feminine and masculine energies. She currently works with individuals, couples and moresomes who are exploring New Paradigm relating and leads workshops nationwide on tantra, sexual healing, and polyamory with her tantric lover, Victor Gold. BACN-16a Ç 74 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-16 Ç 74 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
NEWSMEDIADECEPTIONSANDCover-ups, with Terry Hansen. Terry Hansen is an independent journalist with an interest in scientific controversies and the politics of mass media. He is author of The Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up. He has organized and moderated two symposiums about the science and politics of UFO research for the Science Museum of Minnesota. Hansen holds a bachelor╣s degree in biology and a master╣s degree in science journalism, both from the University of Minnesota. He was a founding partner of KFH Publications, Inc., a Seattle computer-magazine publishing company. He is also an active private pilot with ratings for single-engine aircraft and gliders. This presentation covers some of the more recent and important stories that have been suppressed by the media cartels and powers-that-be. BACN-17a Ç 81 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-17 Ç 81 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
Media Panel on UFO╣s: Lucia August, Moderator; Ralph Steiner, Leslie Kean, and Terry Hansen as Panelists. Lucia August is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Hypnotherapist with a diverse private practice in Fremont, CA. She is the coordinator of the East Bay Contact Support Network and serves on the Board of Directors of the Bay Area Consciousness Network. Ralph Steiner is an independent producer and science journalist affiliated with KPFA and the Pacifica Radio Network. He brings to the UFO issue a knowledge of physics, molecular biology, genetics, astrophysics and information science. Leslie Kean is an investigative reporter, author and producer for Pacifica Radio. In May 2000, she published an investigative feature for the Boston Globe about the French report by high level military and space officials called │UFOs and Defense: What are we Prepared for?▓ In 2001, her story in the Providence Journal about pilot sightings of UFOs and possible aviation safety concerns was widely syndicated. Terry Hansen is an independent journalist with an interest in scientific controversies and the politics of mass media. He is author of The Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up. He has organized and moderated two symposia about the science and politics of UFO research for the Science Museum of Minnesota. Hansen holds a bachelor╣s degree in biology and a master╣s degree in science journalism, both from the University of Minnesota. BACN-18a Ç 68 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-18 Ç 68 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
The Truth about 9-11, with Carol Brouillet. Carol Brouillet is a Co-Founder of the International Media Project, which produces Making Contact, a half-hour radio program now heard on over 165 stations, primarily in the U.S. and Canada. (Making Contact will also pilot a new daily show beginning in February 2001.) Carol also helped found the Who╣s Counting Project, which promotes the film Who╣s Counting? Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies & Global Economics. Both non-profits seek to connect people, vital ideas and important information to nurture healthy social change, economic justice and ecological sustainability. A passionate advocate of local currencies to raise consciousness, nurture community, and increase local self-reliance, her paper Reinventing Money, Restoring the Earth, Reweaving the Web of Life has won an honourable mention from the Millennium Institute as one of the best ideas for the 21st Century. BACN-19a Ç 91 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-19 Ç 91 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
Ancient Egyptian Hi-Tech, with Christopher Dunn. Christopher Dunn has an extensive background as a master craftsman, starting as a journeyman lathe turner in his hometown of Manchester, England. Recruited by an American aerospace company, he immigrated to the United States in 1969. The author╣s pyramid odyssey began in 1977 when he read Peter Tompkins╣ book Secrets of the Great Pyramid. His immediate reaction to the Giza Pyramid╣s schematics was that this edifice was a gigantic machine. Discovering the purpose of this machine and documenting his case has taken the better part of twenty years of research. In the process he has published a dozen magazine articles, including the much-quoted │Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt▓ in Analog, and has had his research referenced in such books as Graham Hancock╣s │Fingerprints of the Gods▓ and Cohn Wilson╣s │From Atlantis to the Sphinx▓. Chris Dunn, his wife Jeanne and their children live in Danville, Illinois. In 1998, he published the groundbreaking book The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt, which proposed that the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually a large acoustical device that produced energy. BACN-20a Ç 113 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-20 Ç 113 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
New Science Breakthroughs, with Joe Firmage. Joe Firmage founded his first company, Serius, at age 18, embarking on a career in science and technology research, which has included everything from Internet consulting to investigating JFK╣s UFO intelligence files. Currently chairman of Motion Sciences Organization, he will explain how physics can advance technologies for nonpolluting energy generation and land, sea, air and space transportation systems. Includes a question and answer session that discusses some of the new technology that is in development by various companies and individuals. BACN-21a Ç 70 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / BACN-21 Ç 70 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
ANCIENT WISDOM / NEW SCIENCE: 2002 Conference - Berkeley, California. Complete conference set. BACN-92a Ç 10 hours on 7 audio tapes Ç $55.00 / BACN-92 Ç 10 hours on 7 videotapes Ç $110.00
The Aztec UFO 2002 Symposium
The Interception: Roswell Crash Site Metal Recovery with Dennis Balthaser. Dennis Balthaser, concentrates his research on the 1947 Roswell Incident, Area 51 and Underground Bases. In this presentation he talked about his Interception experience. While still affiliated with the International UFO Museum in Roswell, NM, in 1997 as the UFO investigator, he was contacted by a gentleman in Oklahoma claiming his father had been a military policeman at the Roswell crash site and had a piece of the metal from the crashed vehicle. Balthaser made arrangements to travel to Oklahoma to meet the gentleman and obtain the metal for testing, but was never able to meet with them. Instead he was met and intercepted by people claiming to be United States Air Force, Office of Special Investigation agents. In this lecture Balthaser gives a detailed account of the events that transpired from the original phone call through the current investigation, which is still on-going. Balthaser was in the United States Army in an Engineering Battalion. He moved to Roswell, NM in 1996, to pursue his 25 year interest in UFOlogy and particularly the Roswell Incident, Underground Bases and Area 51. Aztec-01a Ç 2 Hour Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-01 Ç 2 Hour VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
Mysterious UFO Incident in Pennsylvania and Big Foot, with Stan Gordon. This presentation includes a detailed account of the 1965 UFO crash incident near Kecksburg, PA, and the bizarre 1973 UFO/Bigfoot outbreak in the state. Stan Gordon╣s UFO/Phenomena Biographical Information: Born October 30, 1949 in Pittsburgh, Stan was trained as an electronics technician who has specialized in the area of radio communications. He is presently active in the advanced consumer electronics sales field. Stan╣s interest in UFO╣s and other unusual happenings began at age 10. Since 1965, Stan has been conducting investigations into thousands of UFO and other strange encounters reported across Pennsylvania. During the late 1960╣s, Stan acted as a telephone report sighting coordinator for the UFO Research Institute of Pittsburgh. Stan has been internationally recognized as an authority on the subject of the UFO and Bigfoot phenomena. He gained prominence from his firsthand investigation into the well-remembered 1973 Bigfoot/ UFO series of sightings and encounters which occurred in Pennsylvania. This outbreak brought worldwide attention to the subject, and was a major news story in the media for several weeks. Due to copyright restrictions this tape does not include the slides. Aztec-02a Ç 2 Hour Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-02 Ç 2 Hour VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
UFOs: The Technology Issue with John Schuessler. John Schuessler is a founding member of the Mutual UFO Network, Inc., and is currently the MUFON International Director and a member of the Board of Directors. As a staff member he has written numerous articles for SKYLOOK and the MUFON UFO Journal and has been a featured speaker as many MUFON symposia. He is a member of the UFO Research Coalition Board of Directors and a member of the Science Advisory Board for the National Institute for Discovery Science. He first became active in UFO research in 1965 when he joined the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization. John is an aerospace consultant specializing in space commercialization and space tourism. Prior to his retirement from Boeing he was involved engineering for most human space flight programs including Gemini, Skylab, Space Shuttle and the International Space Station. On his last major project, he was Program Manager for the design and construction of the new NASA Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory and in 1997, he received the NASA Public Service Medal for his leadership on the project. Aztec-03a Ç 2 Hour Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-03 Ç 2 Hour VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
The Day After Roswell: Revelations from Beyond the Grave with Karl Pflock. Karl Pflock, author, consultant, and UFO researcher, is the author of numerous works of fiction and nonfiction. He has written and ghostwritten several nonfiction books and has been a consulting senior editor for Arlington House Publishers, editor of Libertarian Review, a senior editor at the American Enterprise Institute, contributing editor to Reason, and science columnist for Eternity Science Fiction. His articles on UFOs have appeared in such journals as Fortean Times, Omni, the International UFO Reporter, The Anomalist, Fate, the MUFON UFO Journal, Cuadernos de Ufologφa (Spain), and the MUFON 1995 International UFO Symposium Proceedings, and he has made significant contributions to other U.S. and foreign publications. A popular speaker at UFO and anomalous phenomena gatherings, he was named 1998 UFOlogist of the Year by the National UFO Conference. Mr. Pflock╣s interest in UFOs is virtually lifelong, and his investigations have left no doubt in his mind that UFOs are real. In the late 1960s and early 1970s he served as a member and chairman of the National Capital Area [investigations] Subcommittee of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), then the world╣s largest private UFO research organization. Aztec-04a Ç 106 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-04 Ç 106 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
Critique of the Roswell Critics with Stanton Friedman. Stanton T. Friedman was born in New Jersey on July 29, 1934. He was named valedictorian of his 1951 Linden, New Jersey, high school class and spent two years at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey before switching to the University of Chicago in 1953. He received BS and MS degrees in Physics from UC in 1955 and 1956, where Carl Sagan was a classmate. He worked for fourteen years as a nuclear physicist for such companies as General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse, TRW, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas on such advanced, highly classified, eventually canceled projects as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and nuclear power plants for space. Since 1967 he has lectured on the topic Flying Saucers Are Real at more than 600 colleges and over 100 professional groups in fifty states, nine Canadian provinces, England, Italy, Germany, Holland, France, Finland, Brazil, Australia, Korea, Mexico, Turkey, Argentina, and Israel. He has published more than 70 papers on UFOs besides his dozens of conventional articles and appeared on hundreds of radio and TV shows. Stan is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident, who co-authored Crash at Corona and instigated the Unsolved Mysteries Roswell program. Aztec-05a Ç 2 Hour Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-05 Ç 2 Hour VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
Aztec 1949-1950: New Information on the Aztec UFO Crash with Linda Moulton Howe. Linda Moulton Howe, Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and writer, will present eyewitness accounts and documents about a │dog fight▓ of silver discs in the sky over Aztec followed by a crash and retrieval of one disc from Hart Canyon in March 1949; multiple disc flyovers by the hundreds the next year on March 17, 1950 reported in The Denver Post and The Farmington Daily Times; and alleged government knowledge and cover-up of the Aztec disc crash and subsequent disc flyovers. Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television and radio career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys and a national Emmy nomination. Those films have included Poison in the Wind and A Sun Kissed Poison which compared smog pollution in Los Angeles and Denver; Fire In The Water about hydrogen as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels; A Radioactive Water about uranium contamination of public drinking water in a Denver suburb; and A Strange Harvest which explored the worldwide animal mutilation mystery that has haunted the United States and other countries since the late 1950s and continues to date. Aztec-06a Ç 2 Hour Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-06 Ç 2 Hour VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
How the War on Terror Interrupted ET Contact, with Jim Marrs. A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Mr. Marrs earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for two years more. He has worked for several Texas newspapers, including the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where beginning in 1968 he served as police reporter. Mr. Marrs then became a general-assignments reporter covering stories locally, in Europe and the Middle East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Mr. Marrs has been a freelance writer and public relations consultant. Since 1976, Mr. Marrs has taught a course on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy at the University of Texas at Arlington. In 1989, his book, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, was published to critical acclaim and within three years had gone into an eighth printing in both hardbound and softbound editions. Crossfire reached the New York Times Paperback Non-Fiction Best Seller list in mid-February 1992 and remained there for more than six weeks. His book became a basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK. Mr. Marrs served as a chief consultant for both the films screenplay and production. Mr. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, the Discovery, Learning and History Channels, This Morning America, Geraldo, Montell Williams, Today and The Larry King and Art Bell radio programs. Aztec-07a Ç 2 Hour Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-07 Ç 2 Hour VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
AZTEC UFO SYMPOSIUM: 2002 Conference - Aztec, New Mexico. Complete conference set. AZTEC-92a Ç 14 hours on 7 audio tapes Ç $55.00 / AZTEC-92 Ç 14 hours on 7 videotapes Ç $110.00
The Aztec UFO 2003 Symposium
UFOINCIDENTSINENGLAND, with Nick Redfern. Nick Redfern. Aztec-08a Ç 81 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-08 Ç 81 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
ATTACKEDBYAFLYINGSAUCER, with Karl Pflock. Karl Pflock. Aztec-09a Ç 77 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-09 Ç 77 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
INSIDEOFTHEBALCKVAULT, with John Greenewald, Jr. John Greenewald, Jr. Aztec-10a Ç 72 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-10 Ç 72 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
CRITIQUINGTHEMAJESTIC12 CRITICS, with Stanton Friedman. John Greenewald, Jr. Aztec-11a Ç 93 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-11 Ç 93 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
THEUFO PhENOMENON: 56 Years and Still a Mystery, with Robert Swiatek. Robert Swiatek. Aztec-12a Ç 90 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-12 Ç 90 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
THEFRANKSCULLYTAPES, with Wendy Connors. Wendy Connors. Aztec-13a Ç 97 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-13Ç 97 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
UFOSANDMACHINEINTELLIGENCE: Looking at the Pros and Cons, with Richard Dolan. Richar Dolan. Aztec-14a Ç 91 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-14 Ç 91 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHOFTHEUFOPHENOMENON, with Bruce Maccabee. Bruce Maccabee. Aztec-15a Ç 86 min Audio Tape Ç $12.00 / Aztec-15 Ç 86 min VHS Video Tape Ç $19.95
AZTEC UFO SYMPOSIUM: 2003 Conference - Aztec, New Mexico. Complete conference set. AZTEC-93a Ç 11 hours on 8 audio tapes Ç $60.00 / AZTEC-93 Ç 11 hours on 8 videotapes Ç $125.00
MUFON International
UFO Symposium 2002
UFOs and Reality Transformation, with Chris Styles. Chris Styles is a Canadian UFO researcher who has been an active investigator of both classic and current UFO cases that have occurred along the Atlantic Ocean in Canada. His work on the Shag Harbour Incident has had tremendous impact on the way that UFO crash / retrieval scenarios are viewed. In 1994, Chris received a grant from the Fund for UFO Research to help underwrite the cost of an extensive document search that involved non-transferable Canadian military documents held at Canada's National Archives in Ottawa. Some of the results of that search are included in this presentation. He has written custom software used in both printing and UFOlogy which automates many of the measurements needed in tedious video analysis. And in 1995, Chris directed an underwater search for physical evidence that might have remained submerged and undetected below the surface of Shag Harbour. Paramount Television financed the expedition that employed divers, sidescan sonar, underwater video and magnetometers in their search to uncover evidence from this fascinating incident. MUFON-01a Ç 76 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-01 Ç 76 min Video Ç $19.95
The Day After Phil Corso, with William J. Birnes. Dr. William J. Birnes is a New York Times best selling author with Col. Philip Corso for The Day After Roswell. Dr. Birnes is also a new York literary publishing agent and an editor at McGraw-Hill. Birnes is also the publisher of UFO Magazine in Los Angeles and the Editor-in-Chief of the UFO Encyclopedia at Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster in New York. He is a New Jersey native who currently resides in southern California. A true-crime writer who books have become required reading at Harvard Law School, Birnes has recently completed a psychology textbook for police and homicide investigators. In this lecture, Birnes describes his involvement with helping Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso in the publication of his book "The Day After Roswell." MUFON-02a Ç 82 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-02 Ç 82 min Video Ç $19.95
Scientific Connections in Photo/Video UFOlogy, with Jeff Sainio. Graduating Magna Cum Laude from Northern Michigan University with a BS in Math-Computer Science in 1979, Jeff W. Sainio made a career switch from the broadcast engineering field to managing a major printing firm in Wisconsin. His work has netted seven US patents in the imaging and aerodynamics fields. Being an F.C.C. licensed broadcast engineer, his knowledge is useful in video analysis at the electronic as well as imaging level. Jeff's interest in UFOs was piqued during the 1965 flap when two discs were sighted by respected policemen in his hometown in northern Michigan. He joined MUFON in February 1991 and is the Staff Photoanalyst for still photographs and videotapes. He has been performing computer enhancement and analysis of UFO photographs and videotapes submitted to him by either MUFON or directly from the photographers. Mr. Sainio is recognized worldwide for his expertise in this field and has appeared on numerous national television show demonstrating techniques for determining the authenticity of UFO photographs and videos. In this presentation he outlines those techniques and describes working with some of more popular and recent footage of UFOs. MUFON-03a Ç 68 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-03 Ç 68 min Video Ç $19.95
The Limits of Science in UFO Research, with Richard Dolan. Richard Dolan is the author of "UFOs and the National Security State," published by Keyhole Publishing, which covers the period from 1941 to 1973 and provides a thorough historical analysis of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon. Born in Brooklyn and raised on Long Island, Dolan earned a scholarship to study at Oxford University, where he closely missed receiving a Rhodes Scholarship. After completing his graduate work at the University of Rochester he became a self-employed business writer to earn a living. Around 1994 he began to develop and interest in the UFO problem. He approached UFOs by looking at the history and politics of the phenomenon. He was intrigued by the cultural schizophrenia involved in the subject and with the fact that mainstream and academic culture continued to treat UFOs as amusement, but that some many intelligent people take it seriously. In this presentation he discusses using science and peer review to examine UFOs and national security. MUFON-04a Ç 70 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-04 Ç 70 min Video Ç $19.95
In Search of EBE╣s, with William Hamilton. Bill read the book "Flying Saucers from Outer Space" by Donald Keyhoe when still in grade school. By the time he went to high school, he was actively pursuing interests in the UFO phenomenon. He met and became acquainted with the early UFO contactees by attending the Giant Rock spacecraft conventions hosted by George Van Tassel. Hamilton has had over one hundred personal sightings of UFOs. In 1976, he investigated his first UFO abduction case and applied for membership in MUFON as a field investigator. He is currently Executive Director of Skywatch International, founded by Col. Steve Wilson. In this lecture he presents how new findings in planetary science and new discoveries and theories in biology have a bearing on UFO studies. He also discusses the new perspectives offered by these conclusions and their relevance toward resolving the mystery of UFO origins. MUFON-05a Ç 75 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-05 Ç 75 min Video Ç $19.95
Five Themes on UFO Abduction, with Dan Wright. Dan Wright has a masters degree in political affairs from the University of Illinois, Springfield. He joined MUFON in 1978, where his positions included state section director, state director for Michigan, central states regional director, and deputy director for investigations. Dan was on the MUFON board for 15 years, seven as deputy director. His accomplishments at MUFON over the years include the revised computer input database and initial computer catalog of MUFON case files; writing several chapters in the field investigator's manual on proper interviewing techniques and on completing the general cases and computer input forms; distribution of a photo slide set for MUFON presentations; and initiation of a regular newsletter to and annual meeting for all state directors. From 1992 until 1997, he directed the abduction transcription project for MUFON. Twenty abduction researchers contributed 930 audio cassette tapes of hypnosis sessions and interviews with 265 suspected abductees. In this presentation he details the five themes found in many abduction cases, as based on a key-word index containing nearly 2,500 entries from transcripts of those sessions. MUFON-06a Ç 73 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-06 Ç 73 min Video Ç $19.95
Building a Professional Community, with David Jacobs. Dr. David M. Jacobs is Associate Professor of History at Temple University specializing in twentieth century American history and culture. His is former Director of the American Studies Program. Dr. Jacobs has been a UFO researcher for 35 year. In 1973, he completed his doctoral dissertation in the field of intellectual history at the University of Wisconsin - Madison on the controversy over unidentified flying objects in America. This was only the second Ph.D. degree granted involving a UFO-related theme. Indiana University Press published a revised version of his dissertation as "The UFO Controversy in America" in 1975. It was the first positive book towards UFOs published by an academic press. In this lecture he discusses how both the UFO phenomenon and the UFO research community have presented almost insurmountable barriers to scientific engagement with the data. MUFON-07a Ç 73 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-07 Ç 73 min Video Ç $19.95
Conflicting Interest in the Control of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, with Timothy Good. Timothy Good became interested in UFOs in 1955 when he read a book by Donald Keyhoe describing sightings by qualified observers such as military and civilian pilots. He has become a leading authority on the subject, researching sightings worldwide, amassing a wealth of evidence, including thousands of intelligence documents. His numerous contacts include astronauts, military and intelligence chiefs, pilots and politicians. In 1987, Good published "Above Top Secret" which became an instant bestseller and is regarded by many as the definitive book on the subject, together with the fully updated book replacing it, "Beyond Top Secret" in 1996, which spent five weeks on the Sunday Times best-seller list. His latest book, "Unearthly Disclosure," published in 2000, was serialized in London's Daily Mail. Timothy is also a professional violinist, and played for fourteen years with the London Symphony Orchestra. He is without a doubt, one of the world's most respected authorities on the alien phenomenon. In this lecture he discloses extraordinary information provided to him via a high-ranking source that confirms that aliens have established subterranean and submarine bases on Earth and that contact has been made with a select group in the U.S. Military and scientific intelligence community. MUFON-08a Ç 77 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-08 Ç 77 min Video Ç $19.95
Air Traffic Control Zones, Pilots, Aircraft and UFOs, with Don Ledger. Don ledger is a writer and the author of three books. His most recent book, "Dark Object," co-authored with Chris Styles, deals with the alleged UFO crash in Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia in October 1967. Mr. Ledger is a regular contributor to the Toronto-based radio show Strange Days Indeed, hosted by Errol Bruce-Knapp. He has been involved in half a dozen television documentaries dealing with both the Shag Harbour Incident and UFOs in general, as well as numerous radio shows in both Canada and the United States. He become and active investigator of the UFO phenomenon over ten years ago. In this lecture he discusses the misinterpretation of air regulations and air traffic control systems and regulations by UFO researchers, some scientists and the lay public when UFO incidents occur in regulated airspace or near aircraft. MUFON-09a Ç 78 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-09 Ç 78 min Video Ç $19.95
The Abduction Phenomenon - Where We Are Now? with Budd Hopkins. Budd Hopkins, a New York artist, is famous for his three important books: Missing Time (1981), Intruders (1987), and Witnessed (1996). On a summer afternoon in 1964, Budd Hopkins and two others watched a small, round metallic craft maneuver in the sky over Cape Cod. This daylight sighting marked the beginning of Hopkin's interest in the UFO phenomenon, but his first nationally known investigation didn't tale place until 1975. At that time, a UFO apparently landed in a New Jersey park only one mile from Manhattan and was seen by a number of witnesses. Mr Hopkin's carefully researched account of this landing and the observation of ten or eleven occupants, appeared in "The Village Voice," and "Cosmopolitan" magazine and elsewhere, and was covered extensively by television and radio. Throughout the years, his goal has been to bring an objective, dispassionate, scientific intelligence to bear on the UFO abduction phenomenon. In pursuit of this goal he founded, in 1989, "the Intruders Foundation," a not-for-profit organization devoted to research and public education concerning this extraordinary enigma. In this lecture he discusses several things that are known with assurance about the UFO phenomenon as well as some of the theories that can be confidently pronounced as incorrect. He covers some of the latest research, particularly in the area of abductions, and provides a summary where were are now with the abduction phenomenon. MUFON-10a Ç 72 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-10 Ç 72 min Video Ç $19.95
An American in Suffolk: The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, with Peter Robbins. Peter is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the website www.ufocity.com and writes a column for "UFO Magazine" called "Webwatch." Robbins has been involved with the UFO field for many years. In 1977 he created and produced "The Question of UFOs," a series of six half-hour programs for Channel C, Manhattan Cable TV. In 1992, Robbins was appointed Executive Assistant for the Intruders Foundation, based in New York City. In this lecture he discussed his reflections, observation and updates on a decade of research in Britain's Rendlesham Forest UFO incident. He also discusses his role in the publication of "Left at East Gate" with Larry Warren and talks about some afterthoughts on the books and the events which inspired it. He also reveals some of the situations and people who never made it into the book, and wither the book had any impact on official government policies pertaining to UFOs in the United Kingdom. MUFON-11a Ç 90 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-11 Ç 90 min Video Ç $19.95
Miracles: UFO Contact, with Betty Hill. Betty Hill is a life-long resident of New Hampshire. She graduated from the University of New Hampshire, with a BS Degree in Social Work and was employed by the State of New Hampshire as a social worker, until her retirement in 1975. Following her UFO sighting and abduction experience in 1961, Betty has spent many years doing television and radio programs, college lectue tours and writing assignments. She is the author of the book "A Common Sense Approach to UFOs." Betty is also the subject of John Fuller's book "Interrupted Journey," and the television movie "The UFO Incident." In this lecture she describes her (and her husband Barney's) abduction experience and provides some anecdotes and reflections on the 40 years that has passed since it occurred. At the end of the presentation she displays the blue dress she was wearing with the even happened back in 1961. MUFON-12a Ç 68 Min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-12 Ç 68 Min Video Ç $19.95
Are There UFOs on Mars? with Richard Thieme. Richard Thieme speaks, writes and consults on the human dimensions of technology and work, including information security, organizational culture and the dynamics of leadership and communications. He is a regular featured speaker at the Black Hat Briefings and Def Con and a contributing editor for Information Security Magazine. Thieme's creative use of the Internet to reach global markets has earned accolades around the world. Thieme has published widely. Translated into German, Chinese, Japanese, Slovene, Danish and Indonesian, his articles are taught at numerous universities in Europe, Australia, Canada, and the United States. His is a contributing editor for Information Security Magazine and has written for Secure Business Quarterly, Forbes, Wires, Computer Underground Digest and Salon. His article "Stalking the UFO Mime on the Internet" is the basis of education at universities in Europe, Canada, Australia and the United States. His interest in UFOs began in the 1950s, when he had first heard of them as a child. In this lecture he discusses the evidence for the evidence of UFOs. He also talks about the consensus reality of the UFO phenomenon, from the religious metaphors to the views of the general public on UFOs. MUFON-13a Ç 49 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-13 Ç 49 min Video Ç $19.95
Turkish UFO Investigation, with Esen Sekerkarar. Esen Sekerkarar is a young Turkish woman who is vice-president of a very active UFO association in Istanbul. She is an integral part of the annual Turkish UFO symposium, and has also helped to create a new UFO museum in Istanbul. In this lecture, Esen presents some interesting facts and observations about new UFO sightings in Turkey, including the recent video footage of a UFO shooting down an incoming meteor. MUFON-14a Ç 79 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-14 Ç 79 min Video Ç $19.95
MUFON Field Investigator Training, with Dan Wright. UFOlogy is the study of the UFO phenomenon. At its core is the investigation of UFO reports as made by human witnesses, the enigmatic source of the original sighting typically having long since departed. With close encounters and other so-called "high strangeness" cases, a thorough investigation is even more necessary, especially where episodes of "missing time" and other psychological or physiological effects are reported by the witness(es). This two-hour video presentation was recorded at a recent Field Investigator training class. Makes a great companion to the MUFON Field Investigator's Manual, now in a newly revised fourth edition. MUFON-15a Ç 115 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-15 Ç 115 min Video Ç $19.95
MUFON INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM: 2002 Conference - Rochester, New York. Complete conference set. MUFON-92a Ç 19 hours on 15 audio tapes Ç $110.00 / MUFON-92 Ç 19 hours on 15 videotapes Ç $220.00
THE 50TH ANNIVERSARYOFTHEKINROSSINCIDENT: ANDSTILLNO │GOLDEN▓ ANSWER TOTHEQUESTION, with David W. Davis (aka Walks-as-Bear). MUFON-16a Ç 60 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-16 Ç 60 min Video Ç $19.95
EVENMOREREMARKABLE:THEUSSSUPPLYSIGHTINGOF│REMARKABLEMETEORS,▓ with Bruce Maccabee. MUFON-18a Ç 60 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-18 Ç 60 min Video Ç $19.95
THEMARIANVISITATIONS: MIRACLES, HOAXES ORALIENENCOUNTERS, with Dan Wright. MUFON-19a Ç 75 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-19 Ç 75 min Video Ç $19.95
BACKROADSOFTHEUNIVERSE: UNUSUALUFOENCOUNTERSINHISTORY, with Jim Hickman. MUFON-20a Ç 60 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-20 Ç 60 min Video Ç $19.95
CRITIQUINGTHEROSWELL CRITICS, with Stanton Friedman. MUFON-21a Ç 60 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-21 Ç 60 min Video Ç $19.95
BEYONDUFOSECRECY, with John Greenewald, Jr. MUFON-22a Ç 60 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-22 Ç 60 min Video Ç $19.95
THEALIENINFLUENCE: A PLANETARYPERSPECTIVE, with Neil Freer (author of │Breaking the Godspell). MUFON-23a Ç 2 90 min Audios Ç $20.00 / MUFON-23 Ç 2 90 min Videos Ç $40.00
HUMANPSYCHEANDCLOSEENCOUNTERS, with Dan Wright. MUFON-24a Ç 60 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-24 Ç 60 min Video Ç $19.95
BIBLICALUFOs: THEUFO-JESUS CONNECTION, with David Twichell. MUFON-25a Ç 60 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-25 Ç 60 min Video Ç $19.95
COSMICWATERGATE:THE UFOCOVERUP, with Stanton Friedman. MUFON-26a Ç 80 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-26 Ç 80 min Video Ç $19.95
U.S. CROP CIRCLES AND INVESTIGATIVETECHNIQUES, with Jeffrey Wilson. MUFON-27a Ç 90 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-27 Ç 90 min Video Ç $19.95
MULTIPLE ANOMALIES WITHIN CROP FORMATIONS, with William C. Levengood. MUFON-28a Ç 60 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-28 Ç 60 min Video Ç $19.95
FIELDRESEARCHINNORWAYANDBRAZIL, with Linda Moulton Howe. MUFON-29a Ç 70 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-29 Ç 70 min Video Ç $19.95
BIGMEDIAANDLITTLEGREENMEN, with John Nowinski (Director of the Smoking Gun Research Agency). MUFON-30a Ç 60 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-30 Ç 60 min Video Ç $19.95
MUFON 2003 PANELDISCUSSION, with various panelists. MUFON-31a Ç 50 min Audio Ç $12.00 / MUFON-31 Ç 50 min Video Ç $19.95
NEW Living Ecpo (Continued)
RELEASE THE WRITER WITHIN! with Thea Sullivan. End Creative Struggle and Find the Flow There's a reason you want to write - because something wants to be created through you! Learn how to drop judgment, doubt, and fear and become the writer you already are. Experience the sacred state of trust and deep listening, where ideas arrive effortlessly and writing becomes a transcendent experience of being in the flow. Sullivan is a published poet, renowned coach, and creator of the popular Intuitive Voice creative writing workshops. She helps people around the country free their unique writers' voices. NLE-13a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-13v o 45 min Video o $19.95
DENTAL MERCURY, SILVER FILLING AND BODY ILLNESS, with Dr. James Rota. With growing scientific evidence regarding the effects of the mercury in our silver dental fillings, some countries have banned it while others are limiting its use. Legislation and lawsuits are being pursued. Dr. Rota, a UCLA educator and clinician for the past 40 years, will share his experience with this highly toxic substance and explore how to detoxify our body of mercury, the second most deadly metal on earth. Dr. Rota, a former UCLA professor and practicing dentist, has lectured around the world and appeared on television regarding his 30-year investigation of illnesses related to dental mercury filling. NLE-14a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-14v o 45 min Video o $19.95
PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF LIGHT AND HEAT THERAPY, with Dave Olszewski. Find out how sunlight, artificial lighting and hyper-thermal- heat affect your health. David discusses the uses and benefits of sunlight, full-spectrum lighting, soft lasers, LED's, phototherapy and heat-therapy. Learn the real truth about ultraviolet light and how to counteract the negative effects of fluorescent lighting and computer screen radiation. Discover five methods to boost your immune systems and detoxify ï naturally. Olszewski is an engineer, author, and lecturer; He is president of Light Energy Company and coauthor of Light Years Ahead. He holds the patent for Light Therapy Equipment. NLE-15a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-15v o 45 min Video o $19.95
ALL ABOUT BLOOD SUGAR REGULATION, with Rick Dina. This interactive and informative presentation will clearly illustrate the vital importance of proper blood sugar and insulin regulation as it relates to many key aspects of health. Topics include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, wrinkles, aging and longevity. Participants will be empowered with the dietary and lifestyle tools necessary and learn to apply them to their lives for maximum benefit. Fundamental principles, up-todate research, and an informative note packet will be provided. A popular Bay Area lecturer, former staff doctor at True North Health Center and Naturopathic Medical School instructor, Dr. Dina specializes in nutrition/lifestyle consulting in his South Bay Chiropractic practice. NLE-16a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-16v o 45 min Video o $19.95
OXYGEN - THE BREATH OF LIFE, with Sandy Harton. Oxygen therapies have proven to be effective against pathogens, bacteria, yeasts, molds, fungi, parasites, even cancer. These therapies will be discussed, focusing on the technology used in the product Hydroxygen Plus. Hydroxygen Plus is aerobic and pH enhancing. Pathogens and other invaders are anaerobic and thrive in acidic conditions. When you eliminate the cause of ill health (i.e. acid & pathogens, etc.), wellness returns. Harton is a Certified Nutritional Microscopist, and a national trainer and educator of nutrition and the proper use of health products. Ms. Harton provides training and development for other nutritionally minded consultants. NLE-17a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-17v o 45 min Video o $19.95
HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY - THERAPY FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM, with Todd S. Kaufmann. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the application of placing oxygen under pressure within an enclosed chamber to increase the amount of absorbable oxygen into the bloodstream. The increased pressure helps to force more oxygen-enriched blood deeper into the body tissues and organs. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is quite successful in treating chronic or difficult health conditions such as: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Strokes, Nerve/Circulatory disorders, wound healing, and many other conditions. Kaufmann is both a practicing Chiropractor and Director of the Hyperbaric Therapy Center of Marin located in Corte Madera. NLE-18a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-18v o 45 min Video o $19.95
LYMPH : HOW THE MIND AND SPIRIT AFFECT THE BODY, with Peggy Parker. In addition to learning how your lymphatic system works, you will explore the relationship between your immune system, diet, stress levels, and spiritual health as they relate to your lymphatic system. Anyone struggling with water retention, cellulite, fatigue, or any chronic degenerative illness can go away with practical information as well as learning tools to change their state of health today. Experts and novices will learn something here. Parker holds her Doctorate in Naturopathic and Integrative Biological Medicine and is the Medical Director and founder of Fusion MediSpa, a fully integrated health care facility located in Northern Idaho. NLE-19a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-19v o 45 min Video o $19.95
HERBS FOR IMMUNITY, with Renee Ponder, Master Herbalist. Learn how to rid the body of mucus, toxins, waste, and parasites, as well as the importance of a regular program with herbs. Learn to distinguish the quality of the herbs and how to integrate diet with herbal protocol. This lecture is for all interested in prevention and for those with a compromised immune systems. With over 21 years of experience, Renee is renowned for her simple protocols and exceptional herbal formulas. A pioneer in the field, she has acquired expertise in the use of herbs for the immune system. NLE-20a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-20v o 45 min Video o $19.95
HEALTH, HEALING AND WHOLENESS: AN EMBODIED WORKSHOP FOR WOMEN, with Arisika Razak. Join us for an ecstatic exploration of our wholeness as women. Using movement, sound, ritual and yoga to create a safe container for calling the Divine, telling our stories, and honoring the body in all its diversity.We will use authentic and natural movement to reclaim our creativity; release old traumas and stress; tone and strengthen the body; and re-member and ground our power. Come gather in sacred play as we celebrate and honor our connection to Life, Eros, Power, and Creativity. Arisika Razak, RN, CNM, MPH, Certified Kripalu Yoga Instructor, is an Associate Professor of Women's Spirituality at the California Institute of Integral Studies. She has been a midwife, healer and spiritual dancer for over 30 years. NLE-21a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-21v o 45 min Video o $19.95
LIFE CHANGING ISSUES FOR WOMEN, with Kathleen O'Bannon. A Certified Nutrition Consultant, she will discuss simple solutions to hormonal imbalances for women. Health problems such as migraines, bloating, fatigue, food cravings, weight gain, hot flashes, anxiety, depression, and just plain crankiness can be related to hormonal imbalances.We will discuss menopause, perimenopause, PMS and more.Women, as young as 35, can be affected by these hormonal changes. Find the answers you have been searching for and regain your youthfulness. An internationally acclaimed expert on women's health issues, TV and Radio personality, and author of six books, O'Bannon has helped thousands of women overcome symptoms related to female hormonal imbalance. NLE-22a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-22v o 45 min Video o $19.95
MAN-WOMAN MADE EASY - NO KIDDING! With Kristina Catalina. Learn the untold secrets of how to have happy, satisfied and gratified women in your life. Discover what it takes to have men feel like a hero around you, and want to do anything for you. Learn the simple, yet profound truths why most relationships don't work and how to turn them around instantly and effortlessly utilizing the gifts you were born with as a man and a woman. Catalina is a Relationship Humorist. She has had her own talk radio show and has taught seminars internationally for 18 years.With her clarity, wit and humor she inspires people to have more FUN with their differences. NLE-23a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-23v o 45 min Video o $19.95
SEXUAL HEALING, with Raja Selvam. Sexual trauma and abuse can wound us deeply leaving scars that are physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. In this workshop we will explore together tools we may use to harness and transform the energies of trauma. We will do this through guided, group awareness exercises and video case material. NLE-01a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-01v o 45 min Video o $19.95 NLE-24a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-24v o 45 min Video o $19.95
SACRED UNION: PATH TO SELF-ASCENSION, with Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa. You are your greatest life story. Joy is a choice, the building block of self-ascension. Learn how to transform your daily life, with or without a partner, into an experience of divine sacred union, where every day is an adventure in gratitude. Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa, with Archangel Zadkiel╣s guidance, will teach down-to-earth practices that lead to a self-ascended state and will address your personal roadblocks to expansion. . Sri Ram Kaa is a gifted healer and therapist. Kira Raa is a popular clairvoyant and intuitive TV guest. Published authors, they offer spiritual coaching, group workshops, and retreats for sacred writers. NLE-01a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-25v o 45 min Video o $19.95 NLE-25a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-20v o 45 min Video o $19.95
PARENTING OURSELVES AND OUR CHILDREN FOR SELF ESTEEM, SELF WORTH AND SELF CONFIDENCE, with Art Martin. Provide a functional family and a foundation for success and well being. We have to change the parental model or we will treat our children in the same manner we were treated by our parents. Our children will end up with the following statistics as we have unless we rectify our parents' mistakes. 7 out of 10 children were rejected before they were born, 2 out of the 10 were rejected in childhood, and only 1 out of 10 has a chance of having a reasonable future.We will demonstrate a process to release the effect of the negative parental model in both parents and children. A thought-provoking speaker, Martin developed Neuro/Cellular Repatterning and is trained in Chinese/Tibetan medicine and other therapies. NLE-26a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-26v o 45 min Video o $19.95
HEMP FOODS: LEARN ALL ABOUT HEMP SEED NUTRITION, with John W. Roulac. Discover why hemp seed is the world's most nutritious seed in the world. Rich in Omega-3, vitamin E and protein, Hemp seed and oil has a light nutty flavor and has been used as a food in China for over 6,000 years. Today hemp is found in food bars, breads, cereal chips, salad dressings, nutritional oils, ice cream, nut butters, etc. Learn how to use hemp oil, shelled hempseed, and hemp protein powder in a variety of delicious recipes. Roulac is an advocate for holistic living and author of 4 books including Hemp Horizons and Backyard Composting. He is a founder of Nutiva-America's leading hemp foods brand, Harmonious Technologies, and Forests Forever. NLE-27a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-27v o 45 min Video o $19.95
SPIRITUAL NUTRITION: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE HEALING PROPERTIES OF FOOD AND HERBS, with Marie Fairchild. This lecture will introduce you to the concept of spiritual nutrition. Discover how the healing energy of certain food, herbs and minerals can increase your vitality, your health, and your longevity. Between Heaven and Earth there flows constant energy. Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the precept that all life is infused with a universal energy known as Chi. One way to absorb this energy is through the food we eat. Learn about the energetic properties of foods for the body / mind / spirit. Fairchild is a certified nutrition consultant and owner of Apple Lakes Nutritional Therapies in San Francisco.She is practiced in the art of Chinese herbology and Feng Shui. NLE-28a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-28v o 45 min Video o $19.95
THE METABOLIC PLAN, with Stephen Cherniske. Internationally renowned biochemist Stephen Cherniske presents a new paradigm that radically alters our understanding of the aging process. Cherniske shows that the human body is naturally endowed with astonishing powers of renewal, self-repair, and regeneration. Drawing from his new book, The Metabolic Plan Cherniske takes you step-by-step through the process of restoring the body's ability to repair its own cells, enabling one to grow biologically "younger" at any age. Cherniske, a nutritional biochemist with more than thirty years of experience, directed the nation's first FDA-licensed clinical laboratory specializing in nutrition testing. His other works include: The DHEA Breakthrough, and Caffeine Blues. NLE-29a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-29v o 45 min Video o $19.95
TANTRIC HARMONICS: EMPOWERING THE HEALING VOICE, with Sophia Roberts. The voice is a potent tool of transformation when freed of the blockages to dynamic expression. Explore the use of toning and Mongolian Overtone Chanting to energize, integrate and align our chakras, tuning the "inner flute" that allows us to be more perfect instruments of spirit. With our empowered voices, we will practice healing and opening the heart to ourselves, each other and our Mother Earth. Roberts calls herself a songhealer, and dedicates her music and teaching to empowering the healing, transformative and creative voice. Her tenth CD, Chakra Healing Chants, is now available. Visit her at www.songhealer.com NLE-30a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-30v o 45 min Video o $19.95
RETURN TO THE MAGIC OF FULL CIRCLE HEALING THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL POWER OF CHANTING, with Belinda Farrell & Joy Metcalfe. Join Belinda Farrell and Joy Metcalfe in a Multi-level experience exploring new and ancient pathways to healing. Return to the power of now. Experience the healing of self-forgiveness. Create a quantum leap in your DNA structure. Continue your transformation into light. Metcalfe is an internationally known Medical Intuitive and Teacher; and was voted Best Reiki Master Teacher by Share Guide Magazine. Farrell is a Master Hypnotherapist, Radio and Film personality, Huna Practitioner and Chanter of Ancient Hawaiian healing. NLE-31a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-31v o 45 min Video o $19.95
A SOUND WAY TO A BETTER YOU! with James Phillips. Would you like to focus like a laser? Could you use a tenminute power nap to rejuvenate during your hectic day? Having trouble switching gears when you get home from work? Would you like a deeper meditation to better communicate with your spirit guides? Come see and hear the amazing new Total Mind Audio Technology that will transform your life to a Better You! Phillips lectures extensively on the benefits of the Total Mind Audio Technology and is a fully accredited trainer with the Monroe Institute in Virginia. He has a background in worldwide film and television productions, including the series: "Food of the Pharaohs". NLE-32a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-32v o 45 min Video o $19.95
CHAKRA TONING AND VOICING YOUR SOUL, with Wayne Perry. Join internationally acclaimed sound healer Wayne Perry for an illuminating and entertaining journey into chakra toning. Discover the secrets to using the natural vibrational healing power within your voice to clear, strengthen and balance the chakras and voice your soul. Consisting of vibrational energy, we can easily learn to master our personal frequencies with sound, toning and vocal harmonics. This presentation will include a demonstration of regenerative sound and a group "chakra chant".Founder and director of the Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles, Perry's unique talents have been featured on CBS News, CNN, Strange Universe and The Roseanne Show. NLE-33a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-33v o 45 min Video o $19.95
HOW YOUR BELIEFS CREATE YOUR REALITY - AN EXPERIENTIAL INQUIRY, with Lion Goodman. How do you create your life? The Avatar course teaches the fundamental mechanics of creating, based on the simple truth that your beliefs cause you to create or attract the situations and events you experience in your life. In this experiential inquiry, you can begin to explore your beliefs, and discover exercises that can be directly applied to improving your life. Goodman is a licensed teacher of The Avatar Course, a 9-day training for awakening and enlightenment. He is also a life coach, a published author and inspirational public speaker. NLE-34a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-34v o 45 min Video o $19.95
DISTANCE HEALING: RECENT RESEARCH, with Francesca McCartney, Ph.D. Findings from a recent research project funded and conducted at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Distance healing and intuitive communication may both be seen as non-linear, non-local systems of information exchange. The potential exists for email information content to hold intentional sensorial resonance; and for this type of email to be used as a provider of energy information that can be utilized as a medium for distance healing. When a receptive person reads an email, they can receive the emotional/cognitive content of intentionally encapsulated healing energy. McCartney, Ph.D. founded the Academy of Intuitive Studies and Intuition Medicine« in 1984 in Sausalito. An intuitive counselor, teacher and author. NLE-35a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-35v o 45 min Video o $19.95
USING YOUR INTUITION TO LIVE PASSIONATELY, with Susan Stuart, Ph.D. We each possess the innate ability to live each day in joy. During the next Cosmic phase you will be invited to explore your unique potential for passion. Susan has the Intuitive awareness, developed through years of working with clients, to guide you through the door to your "Passion Potential".Take an opportunity to view your future. Stuart is a professional Intuitive Counselor who has over 26 years experience in her field. She is clairvoyant, clairaudiant and is a trance channel. In 1981 Stuart founded the Intuitive Development Institute which offers Intuitive Life Descriptions, Intuitive Counseling and Medical Intuitive Training. NLE-36a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-36v o 45 min Video o $19.95
THE POWER OF TOUCH: CHAMPISSAGE IN THE 21ST CENTURY, with Narandra Mehta. Learn the origins of Indian Head Massage, currently Britain's most popular complementary therapy. Discover how this ancient touch system can benefit you. Experience how Indian Champissage beautifully combines physical and subtle energy massage to help all kinds of stress- related symptoms. Witness a powerful demonstration of this treatment and give yourself a session at Narendra's booth. Narendra Mehta is Principal of the London Centre of Indian Champissage. He has been practicing bodywork for over 20 years and leading Indian Champissage training courses for 15 years. His published works include Indian Head Massage and The Art of Indian Face Massage. NLE-37a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-37v o 45 min Video o $19.95
FINDING LOVE: RELATIONSHIP SUCCESS FOR SINGLES, with Carol Daly. Find the life and love of your dreams. Making choices in alignment with your values and life purpose allows you to experience relationship and personal fulfillment. Come and learn the 10 Principles of Conscious Dating and personalize them with your values, life purpose, personal attributes and gifts.With this blueprint for success, the "Law of Attraction" can work for you and your future partner. Daly is a Relationship Coach, Rapid Eye Practitioner, and Hypnotherapist located in Los Altos. She specializes in releasing self-defeating thoughts, beliefs, and patterns, thus saving time, reducing frustration and achieving goals. NLE-38a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-38v o 45 min Video o $19.95
EAT YOURSELF SEX: ELECTRICALLY AVAILABLE FOODS, with Denie Heistand. This fun informative workshop will give you insights into how you can eat yourself sexy, increase your libido, achieve your optimal weight, and have more energy. Denie is a world authority on the electrical workings of body. His talk will give you the tools you need to bring more conscious awareness to the nutritional needs of your body, heart and soul. Guaranteed to be an on-the-edge presentation that will wake you up and motivate you to be all that you are. Denie Heistend is the author of Electrical Nutrition and Journey to Truth, founder of the International Institute of Vibrational Wellness and the Electrical Nutrition Professional Company. NLE-39a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-39v o 45 min Video o $19.95
THE MAGIC OF INTERSPECIES COMMUNICATION, with Penelope Smith. Expand your conscious, harmonious interaction with other species. Discover how animals communicate and understand us, and what prevents humans from receiving their messages. Learn about animals' intelligence and how to help animals through direct communication with them and how animals help us to integrate body, mind and spirit. Advance from human-centeredness to interspecies, all-being communion. Smith, world-renowned pioneer in the field of interspecies communication, is the author of the popular, classic books on the subject, Animal Talk and When Animals Speak (available in many languages) and editor of the quarterly journal, Species Link. NLE-40a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-40v o 45 min Video o $19.95
UNDERSTANDING ENERGY AND YOUR RELATIONSHIP, with Phyllis Light, Ph.D. Dr. Light discusses how deeply our energy affects our friends and loved ones. Key subconscious patterns are presented ╨ ways we use our energy unconsciously to manipulate others ï and how to overcome those patterns. You will learn about the fourth dimension and the true energetic nature of reality, and how to tap into your true spiritual power in order to experience winning in your relationships. Light is a teacher, counselor, and author of Prince Charming Lives: Finding the Love of Your Life. In her work, "Telepathic Healing," she helps people clear negative programming to the depths of the subconscious mind, while infusing their essence with a higher octave of light and spiritual energy. NLE-41a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-41v o 45 min Video o $19.95
FORCE AND FEELING: THE ENERGETICS OF PERSONALITY AND SEXUAL CHEMISTRY, with Julie Motz. Each of us has a fundamental energy pattern that determines both the structure of our personality and whom we are drawn to sexually and emotionally. This lecture will describe the four basic patterns and help you determine if you are a Boundary Maker, a Defender, a Negotiator or a Pacifier. Discover what this means for your romantic future and for making your current relationship exciting, fulfilling and successful. Motz is an internationally known energy healer and author of the book Hands of Life. She is cofounder of Chemistry Plus, a matchmaking service that guarantees sexual and emotional compatibility. NLE-42a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-42v o 45 min Video o $19.95
HAPPINESS IS NOT AN INDIVIDUAL MATTER: OUR ENGAGEMENT WITH LIFE, with Gary Gach. Explore the radical, this worldly dimensions of the teachings of the Buddha, as applied in our secular world today. Topics will include service (hospices, for example), deep ecology (our planet is ourselves), gender equity (whatever happened to the Buddhas mother?), erasing racism (making the invisible visible), social justice (knowing a better way to catch a snake) and peace (yes, peace). Learn how Buddhism brings us the understanding and solidity so needed in todays society. Gach is an American Book Award-winning author of over six books, with works in 125+ magazines. NLE-43a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-43v o 45 min Video o $19.95
HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR ANGELS, with Reverend Mary. Rev. Mary will share some of her own profound experiences as a Channel & Instrument For God after her own Near Death Experience. Hear first hand, information Rev. Mary channeled from The Angelic Team. Learn how to listen and communicate with your own Angels. Find out how prayer & meditations link you with God and your Angels to give connections with powerful spiritual energies. Bring your own questions for channeled answers. Rev. Mary is a Professional Psychic, Trance Medium, Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Ordained Minister, who shares her God-given gifts with others via Angelic Communications, Tarot, and Trance Channeling. Her abilities developed after a series of Near Death Experiences. NLE-44a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-44v o 45 min Video o $19.95
DEEPENING LOVE AND PASSION AS WE AGE, with Dr. Victoria Lee. News Flash! When it comes to passionate sex, don't trust anyone under 30! Dr. Victoria Lee's survey of workshop participants and sex therapy clients reveals that the most passionate lovemaking we are all capable of is more available to us in maturity than in youth. A sacred approach to sexuality opens the heart and frees the body and soul for the ecstatic experiences we were made for. This lecture will teach you three secrets of lifelong passion. Dr. Lee is a clinical psychologist and sex therapist who lectures and trains audiences internationally in sacred sexuality. Her book, Ecstatic Lovemaking: An Intimate Guide to Soulful Sex, opens new and exciting doors to Lifelong passion. NLE-45a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-45v o 45 min Video o $19.95
GAIA'S REMEDY: NEW HOPE FOR OUR DYING OAKS, with Lee Klinger, Ph.D. From a Gaian perspective, forests are considered the "lungs" of the planet. Yet, as more and more pockets of dying oak trees appear in our native woodlands, many of us wonder whether humans have stressed our forests to their limits of tolerance. Are the lungs of the earth about to collapse? The concepts and complexity of Gaia shed new light and offer a new cure for our dying trees. Dr. Klinger, Senior Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences in Petaluma, California, is recognized as one of the worlds' leading scholars in global ecology and Gaia theory. NLE-46a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-46v o 45 min Video o $19.95
GREEN INVESTING IN LOCAL COMPANIES, with Mark Perlmutter. Mark Perlmutter teaches average Americans to get in on the ground floor of green technologies i.e zero emission cars and medically inspired ergonomic furniture. Products of the future are being funded today using small public offerings. These offerings helped companies like Ben & Jerry's and Real Goods grow to become leaders. Come hear how to make a profit while making a difference. Perlmutter, a financial advisor for more than twenty years, is the founder of the MicroAngels Investor Education Club, and teaches how to foster responsible sustainable businesses by investing locally (not globally) and "provide profits while making a difference!" NLE-47a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-47v o 45 min Video o $19.95
WHY POLY-MVA MAY BE THE BEST THERAPY AROUND, with Ken Walker. Ken Walker will introduce Poly-MVA, an alternative super nutrient. This amazing product has already shown extraordinary healing abilities for degenerative diseases, including cancer. Walker will reveal much information on today's cancer situation. With the loss of his wife to cancer Dr. Sanchez vowed to relentlessly search for a cure. He soon became CEO of several pharmaceutical distributors, which eventfully led him to Poly-MVA, a nontoxic cancer alternative product that he wishes to announce to the world. NLE-48a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-48v o 45 min Video o $19.95
RADICAL NATURE: A MIND OF IT'S OWN? with Christian de Quincey, Ph.D. Christian helps us rediscover our deep kinship with the natural world. Explore our culture's "dominant story," enshrined in both science and religion, and open to a "new" and ancient story. The split between humanity and the rest of the world is rooted in our metaphysical beliefs about the nature of matter and mind, and the relationship between spirit and body. Heal that split using the wisdom of feeling and the power of story. Quincey, an international speaker on consciousness, cosmology, and spirituality, is a professor of philosophy and consciousness studies at JFK University, and managing editor of IONS Review, published by the Institute of Noetic Sciences. NLE-49a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-49v o 45 min Video o $19.95
THE BLISS FACTOR, with Norman McVey, Ph.D. What we most need on an hourly basis is a vacation or mental holiday from stress.We yearn to lift our spirits. Get Excited about music again with 5th Dimensional Sound CD's & Systems, the InnerQuest System designed to create deep states of meditation and sexual/spiritual healing. Learn how to transform both private and public spaces into a sanctuary with The Atlantis HighLife System, a high-tech Feng Shui system designed to release stress and raise vitality! McVea, is director of research and development for ORI, LLC., and the inventor of Life Energy Amplifiers¬. He has authored 4 books, including The Bliss Factor numerous audiotape programs including over 35 Self Processing programs. NLE-50a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-50v o 45 min Video o $19.95
VELVET THE APPROACHABILITY FACTOR, with Pepper Freye, Ph.D. In this difficult marketplace you need an edge up on the competition. Wearing velvet can make an extreme difference for people to do business with you. Psychologically a client, friend, co-worker, potential mate, etc., will find you more attractive and approachable if you wear velvet! Learn 8 reasons why this is so! Pepper is the owner of Saucy Goddesswear. She is a speaker on the psychology of color and has a Ph.D. in Counseling from the University of Metaphysics, Los Angeles. NLE-51a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-51v o 45 min Video o $19.95
ALL ABOUT EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUESü (EFT), with Michael Reins . A psychological version of acupuncture without needles, EFT is known to significantly decrease or eliminate the effects of trauma, anger, fear, sadness, worry, cravings, physical discomforts and to enhance your performance in areas such as learning and sports performance. It's easy to learn and use. Today, witness the miracles of EFT as Michael Reins teaches it and you use it! Reins teaches and practices Emotional Freedom Techniquesü and was personally trained by Gary Craig, the founder of EFT. He works as a Life Coach and Psychotherapist. NLE-52a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-52v o 45 min Video o $19.95
THE VEILS OF ILLUSION, with Rich Work. True healing comes from within. Personally conquering cancer, heart disease, chronic fatigue, asthma, and mercury poisoning, he guides you to awaken the healing power within, lift the veils of illusion, reclaim your empowerment, move beyond limitations, and celebrate life. Rich demonstrates the simplicity of healing and takes you on a powerful journey of understanding the divine nature of your being. Rich has authored four books on the simplicity of healing, including Awaken to the Healer Within. He is president of Harmonics International and founder of Symmetry International. He is also the administrator of Symmetry 21-day Transformational Cocoons where miracles happen. NLE-53a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-53v o 45 min Video o $19.95
WORK SYMMETRY: THE BREATH OF LIFE, with Ann Marie. Ann Marie shares powerful techniques she used to heal her body and her life. Personally conquering multiple sclerosis, she activated the healing power within, by moving the body's natural Rhythms of Rejuvenation. Her 21-day transformational cocoon has exceeded expectations. Those challenged with AIDS, cancer, diabetes, depression, drug and alcohol addictions, allergies, etc., rediscover vital health in just 21-days. Ann is the founder of Symmetry Ministry International and creator of Harmonic Vibrational Products and Harmonic Synchronistic Attunements. She is also co-author of Awaken to the Healer Within and Director of Symmetry 21- day Transformational Cocoons. NLE-54a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-54v o 45 min Video o $19.95
BRINGING LIFE TO WATER AND YOUR BODY, with Fred Van Liew. Learn the science behind E Crystal technology and the latest in water revitalization. Protection from environmental chaos is now possible. Learn how to affordably protect your body, your home, and your work environment. Learn from the world's leading expert in the field of water and water appliances. Fred has taught on water technologies, purification, and all forms of health care for nearly twenty-two years. He is founder of Essential Water & Air and lectures at Karl Parker Healing Seminars and has published in numerous journals. NLE-55a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-55v o 45 min Video o $19.95
BIO-FEEDBACK, HEALTH, IMMUNITY AND YOU, with Theresa Palmer. Bio-feedback screening is a painless process utilizing the meridians used in acupuncture to measure aspects of your health. In this presentation, you can learn ways to improve your energy and overall health. Bio-feedback can reveal how certain foods affect your metabolism. You may learn how unknown sensitivities are interconnected with other conditions that impact how you're feeling. You will learn more when you see this demonstration. Palmer worked 8 years in alternative medicine prior to earning her naturopathic degree in 1995. Her focus is educating her clients to be empowered in handling their health issues. NLE-56a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-56v o 45 min Video o $19.95
THE URANTIA BOOK: A LOVE LETTER FROM THE UNIVERSE, with Paula Thompson. A revelation to humanity from the headquarters of a trillion inhabited worlds. The Urantia Book provides a panoramic view of God, cosmology, life after death, mankind's evolution and history, and Jesus' entire life and teachings (including the missing years). This book can restore selfesteem, return hope, increase personal peace and joy, expand insight, and enhance cosmic wisdom and understanding. Paula Thompson currently serves on the executive boards of two Urantia oriented nonprofits, for 27 years she has successfully taught these amazing concepts to others. NLE-57a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-57v o 45 min Video o $19.95
COACHING? SO WHAT THE HECK IS COACHING? with Rosie Kuhn, Ph.D. This is an opportunity to acquaint yourself with some unique and powerful skills and tools, which distinguish coaching from other forms of personal development work. Coaching through management opportunities, therapeutic sessions, sales work, family dialogue, etc., produces great results where a desired outcome through conversation is intended. Relating from the spiritual nature of our essential being is the underlying principle of this work. Kuhn, a graduate of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, facilitates training programs in transformational coaching, and spiritual guidance. Her private practice integrates coaching, spiritual guidance, and therapeutic skills. NLE-58a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-58v o 45 min Video o $19.95
HYPNOBIRTHING«: ACELEBRATIONOFLIFE, with Yvonne Schwab. Why is giving birth so medicalized and/or painful? Why wasn't it in the past? How can we reconnect to the power of our Birthing Bodies? Birthing was never supposed to be painful or traumatic. It is a rite of passage in which the mother should be honored and the baby revered. Join this discussion and find the answer to these and other questions about birthing by using HypnoBirthing«, The Mongan Method. Schwab is a Certified Hypnotherapist, a Certified HypnoBirthing« Practitioner, and a Certified Spiritual Counselor. She teaches Advanced Pain Management and Hypnosis for Childbirth at the Center for Hypnotherapy Training and practices in San Jose. NLE-59a o 45 min Audio o $12.00 / NLE-59v o 45 min Video o $19.95
THE EARTH SPEAKS TO THOSE THAT LISTEN, with Christine Wallace, Ph.D. Through
breathtaking drumming and song, Christine speaks directly to the Spirit within
you. She will teach you practical insights into effective and profound prayer
and meditation. Utilizing Native American spirituality, she can show you how to
understand and interpret the messages and answers to your deepest questions
provided by Nature. Christine is revered as a Thunder Being by Native Americans:
a Spiritual Leader, Intuitive, Medium and Catalyst for major world change.
Wallace is recognized the world over though her CDs, radio shows and guest
appearances on Seeing Beyond where she is featured regularly. A gifted Medium,
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Mystery of America: A Guidebook to Ancient Mysteries of North America, by TΘdd St. Rain. This book is one of the most comprehensive guidebooks on ancient America ever compiled. Mystery of America details the evidence that confutes the │no whites before Columbus▓ doctrine that has been expoused by the │establishment▓ since pioneers first settled America. It includes a state-by-state description of many unusual sites and anomalous discoveries found throughout North America. From the red-headed giants of the West to the ancient voyagers on the East Coast, and of course, the enigmatic mound-builders in the midwest, this book details the history of America before Columbus. It also contains a │classification index▓ that covers such topics as advanced metallurgy, ancient mariners, ancient astronomy, artifacts encased in stone, beehive structures, burial mounds, displaced flora and fauna, enigmatic peoples, entombed artifacts, footprints in stone, geological anomalies, oversized skeletal remains, possible cataclysmic activity, prehistoric battles, rock pyramids, stairways to nowhere, stone enclosures, underground dwellings, unusual teeth arrangements, and many more intriguing classifications. Ask about St. Rain╣s American Mystery Tourü planned for coming years. TA-01 Ç 60 pages Ç 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 Ç booklet (soon in paperback) Ç $7.00
Ancient Mysteries of North America, by TΘdd St. Rain. This in-depth slide presentation, which is based on his forthcoming book Mystery of America, outlines some of the most perplexing ancient mysteries and other anomalies that have been found in North America. Explore the evidence for Arabian, Celtic, Chinese, Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Hindu, Irish, Mesopotamian, Minoan, Nordic, Pacific Islander, Phoenician, Viking, Welsh, and West African voyages to the New World. Other topics include runestones and tablets found in the East; pre-historic mines near Lake Superior; Roman relics found in Arizona; enigmatic beehive structures, ancient coins unearthed in the Midwest; elephant slabs found in New Mexico; ground and rock petroglyphs in the Southwest; Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese characters; drawings of feathered serpents in Illinois; ancient footprints fossilized in rock; mound builders and their burial mounds; a 14-inch mummy found in Wyoming; human teeth found in coal deposits; red-headed giants that lived in Nevada; underground cities in the Grand Canyon; evidence for an advanced civilization; and many more anomalous finds discovered in North America. AMNA-01 Ç VHS Video Tape Ç 2 hours Ç $19.95 Inquire on availability of other videos in St. Rain╣s │Mystery of the World▓ series.
THE HAZARDS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC SMOG, POWERLINES, ELFS, TELEVISIONS AND VDTS. Articles on EMAG smog, microwave radiation concerns, minimizing your exposure, invisible pollution, book review, Pandora revisited, RF effects on cells, health hazards of EMAG fields, estimating ELF exposure, sixth sense compass, high-voltage dangers, EMAGs and leukemia, EMAG allergies, cancer risk, video display terminals and miscarriages, cutting PC radiation risk, VDT risks, EMAG and health, TV and X-Ray radiation, X-Ray risk, and more. EMAG-01 Ç 169 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $25.00
THE HAZARDS OF MICROWAVE OVENS, CELLULAR PHONE TECHNOLOGY, PROTECTION FROM ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND HEALING ELECROMAGNETICS. Articles on microwave ovens, possible danger of eating microwaved food, microwaved pork can kill, food vending hazards, sectrol group, cellular tower protests, cellular and digital dilemma, enhanced specialized radio, microwave tower threat, cellular siting investigation, EMF detectors, the SomaShield, the Eye Guard, Clarus systems, the NoRad monitor shield, sea plants, the Rife Report, the universal microscope, life saving machines, cross currents article, the body electric, electron distribution, and more. EMAG-02 Ç 171 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $25.00
SUPPORTING EVIDENCE OF ELF AND MICROWAVE HAZARDS. Articles on biological effects of electromagnetic and extremely low frequency (ELF) waves, a US Senate report on radiation and health, effects of microwaves on neurons, human electromagnetic symbiosis, the effects of weak ELFs on monkeys, biological effects of microwaves, bio-effects and health, bio-effects on EEG, supporting results, and more. EMAG-03 Ç 136 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $21.00
A SYNOPSIS OF HAZARDOUS ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION, compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 3 chapters (EMAG-01 through EMAG-03) combined into one book and made available at a special price. EMAG-91 Ç 476 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $62.00
Overview of Nikola Tesla╣s Work. Articles on Nikola Tesla and some of the technology he provided to the world. Topics include operation of a Tesla coil, wireless transmission, bladeless turbine, rotary heat motor, Marconi, acoustic diver beacon, an alleged channeling of Tesla. Also the Article │On Increasing Human Energy▓ from The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, June 1900. Tesla gives his insights on human energy. Topics include harnessing the sun╣s energy, the 3 ways of increasing human energy, the burning of nitrogen, the art of telautomatics, waste in iron manufacture, age of aluminum, electrical oscillation. Also │Nikola Tesla: The Dreamer, His 3-Day Airship and More▓ from the World Today, Vol. XXI, No 8, Feb 1912. Topics include a 3-day ship to Europe, dynamo-electric machinery, news reports, patents, miscellaneous articles, and more. TESLA-01 Ç 116 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $18.00
SOME PATENT APPLICATIONS AND ASSORTED RESEARCH ARTICLES OF NIKOLA TESLA. Patent applications in Tesla╣s own handwriting and related patent copies. Topics include valvular conduits, producing high-frequency oscillating currents, radio-signalling systems. Also includes research articles on the world╣s greatest engineer, AC, high-frequencies, ball lightning, an experimental receiver, and more. TESLA-02 Ç 95 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $15.00
NIKOLA TESLA NEWSPAPER AND JOURNAL ARTICLES. Over 100 articles written by and about Nikola Tesla. Off the internet, with sources from newspapers, electrical journals, research articles, etc. Topics include wireless transmission, high-frequency currents, AC, dynamos, bladeless turbine, the moon╣s rotation, induction circuits, radio power and much more. TESLA-03 Ç 214 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $33.00
Nikola Tesla: Lectures, Patents and Articles. A complete collection of Tesla╣s work in three sections, including lecture transcripts, a complete list of patents, and articles he wrote for various publications. Topics include motors, generators, transmission of power, lighting, high-frequency apparatus, radio, turbines, and much more. 4-up on a page, but still readable. TESLA-04 Ç 213 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $33.00
AN OVERVIEW OF NIKOLA TESLA AND HIS INVENTIONS, compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 4 chapters (TESLA-01 through TESLA-04) combined into one book and made available at a special price. TESLA-91 Ç 638 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $83.00
ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THEORIES, BACKGROUND ON FREE ENERGY RESEARCHERS, THE MYSTERIOUS AIRSHIPS OF THE 1800S, JOHN KEELEY AND HIS AMAZING DISCOVERIES, A HISTORY OF PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINES, AND MICHAEL FARADAY╣S FREE ENERGY MACHINE. Articles on odic-activity rays, the zone of silence, the Higgs field, the void theory, double-helix pyramid beam, on Richard Clem╣s over-unity engine, an engine that runs itself, Hyde energy generator, Swiss M-L Testavistatika energy converter, alpha and gamma ray therapy, alchemist 1956, early UFO sightings in the 1800╣s, the 1896 sky show, analysis of the 1897 airships, great airship inventors, Pennington╣s airship, Dellschau and his esoteric book, Mymza and the airships of the 1850╣s, John Ernst Keely, the structure of the molecule, secrets of 1888, run on the stock market, the Vedas, mantras, mandalas, the Krell helmet, sympathetic vibration, the neutral centre, amplitude of force, acoustophoresis, Ernst Chladni, splitting molecules producing energy, triune and mono-polarity, aqueous disintegration, John Keely╣s mystery motor, perpetual motion machine, mineral disintegration, consequences of Keely╣s death, the Keely myth and motor hoax, perpetual motion machines, memo from the US patent office, the Charles Redheffer perpetual motion machine, perpetual motion of the second kind, new thermal engine, chronology of government suppression of inventions, synopsis of books on free energy, free energy physics, Bruce DePalma, magnetic motors, extraction of energy from space, the Faraday disc, homopolar free energy generator, and more. FREE-01 Ç 155 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $24.00
A HISTORY OF WALTER RUSSELL AND ZERO-POINT-ENERGY, AN OVERVIEW OF ZERO POINT ENERGY, REVIEW OF ZPE AND FREE ENERGY, HANS COLER AND A NEW SOURCE OF POWER. Articles on the macrobiotic genius of Walter Russell, Russell and Zero Point Energy, interesting article side-bars, Zero Point Energy, free energy from magnetism, the leftovers of nothing, the energetic vacuum, government suppression of emerging energy technology, Zero Point Energy, Free Energy theory, experimental progress, new devices, Hans Coler, the Magnetstromapparat, details of the Stromerzeuger, F. Modershn, professor Kloss, Professor Schumann, Dr. Frohlich, and more. FREE-02 Ç 164 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $25.00
INTRODUCTION TO SCALAR ELECTROMAGNETICS, WATER-SPLITTING HYDROGEN POWERED CARS, SOLAR POWER AND ENERGY INDEPENDENCE, COLD NUCLEAR FUSION: FACT OR FANTASY? Articles on warnings on Scalar and Tesla experiments, scalar translators, scalar technology and a unified field equation, background for pursuing scalar electromagnetics, omni-directional longitudinal scalar wave translator, the mysterious power source of 1931 car, electric-powered autos, new auto runs on human urine, Stanely Meyer╣s water-splitting electric cell, NeonLite electric transformer, fuel free engines, Sam Leach╣s box, hydrogen-powered car, gasoline purifier, Nazi research, present-day power generation, a solar energy primer, breakthroughs in solar technology, polymeric light and power conversion, an older │real goods▓ listing, cold nuclear fusion, chemistry of the Utah reactor, magnetic confinement, cold fusion in condensed matter, kitchen table fusion, electrochemically induced fusion in Deuterium, a guide to uncommon metals, syntrophic transducer, cold fusion mystery solved, ball lightning and fusion energy, and more. FREE-03 Ç 104 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $16.00
A SUMMARY OF FREE ENERGY AND PERPETUAL MOTION RESEARCHERS, Compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 3 chapters (FREE-01 through FREE-03) combined into one book and made available at a special price. FREE-91 Ç 477 or 423 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $64.00 or $55.00
FUNDEMENTAL NEWTONIAN PHYSICS, EINSTEIN╣S RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION, REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY COSMIC PHYSICS, INTERSTELLAR ASTRONOMY AND SPACE FLIGHT, COSMOLOGY AND INTERSTELLAR ASTRONOMY. Articles on roll over Isaac Newton, 2nd law of gravitation, a challenge to relativity, Earth╣s center of gravity, ion-trusters, relavitivist limitations, satellite verifies theory of gravity, gravity testing, Newtonian gravitational constant, sensational physics, conference on cosmic rays, good vibrations, absence of gravity, weight of photons, oscillating gravity field, on new moons near Earth, zero-gravity tests, fluid testing, astrodynamics, lunar gravity, gravitational speed, interstellar molecules, unsteady universe, particle creation, gravity detection, astrodynamics, and more. GRAV-01 Ç 153 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $23.00
CONFERENCES AND AWARDS ON GRAVITY, BACKGROUND FOR ANTI-GRAVITY RESEARCH, GRAVITY AND ANTI-GRAVITY EXPLORATION, MAN-MADE EARTH-BASED UFO PROPULSION, GYROSCOPIC ANTI-GRAVITY RESEARCH, JOHN BIGELOW╣S SAUCER TECHNOLOGY. Articles and synopsis on a series of conferences that the Gravity Research Foundation put on in 1961. Includes guest and award categories, handouts, reverse gravity, anti-gravity, conquest of space, starship engines, light flashes, space anomalies, saucer╣s secret, Russian craft, anti-gravity, Gauss scientific journal, Gravity Research Foundation, the case for anti-gravity, gravitational theory, on UFOs, the occult Reich, foo fighters, UFOs: alien or man-made, how to build a saucer, defying gravity, Frank Chase, Otis T. Carr, OTC Enterprises, Joseph Newman gyroscopic theory, Japanese anti-gravity, mass of spinning rotors, saucer technology, spinning rotors, heating plasma, magneto hydrodynamic generation, ion propulsion, hand-scribbled notes, and more. GRAV-02 Ç 174 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $26.00
ELECTRO-GRAVITY AND JOHN SEARLE╣S DISKS, THE TOWNSEND BROWN / PAUL BIEFELD EFFECT, WRIGHT-PATTERSON ELECTRO-GRAVITICS SYSTEMS, THE SECRETS OF AREA 51, QUANTUM PHYSICS AND PLASMA EXPERIMENTS. Articles on craft diagram, electro-gravitic propulsion, John Searle and his flying disks, eddie current propulsion, electromagnetic propulsion, superconducting plasma, electromagnetic reaction, UFOs and the Biefeld/Brown effect, background on Townsend Brown, notes from a patent on electrostatic propulsion, Brown╣s early patent specifications, charge fluctuations, origins, a 1956 document taken from the technical library at Wright-Patterson AFB. It includes information on electro-gravitics, electrostatic energy, Townsend Brown, coupled condensers, VTOL vehicles, Dirac╣s theory, General Electric, thermo-nuclear electro-gravitics, literature on black budget aircraft. Articles include new propulsion and airframe designs, wedge-shaped craft, Aurora, mystery plane, hypersonic drones, XB-70, land seizures, black programs, donuts-on-a-rope, secret saucer base expeditions, unusually fanatical observers (UFOs), detectors, relativity II, quantum fluctuations, post-relativistics, Deutsche Physik, casimir potentials, spherical electromagnetics, quantum zeno, plasma transducer, and more. GRAV-03 Ç 148 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $23.00
GRAVITATION AND TACHYON FIELDS, THEORETICAL GRAVITATIONAL EXPLANATIONS, DETECTION OF RADIATION AND GRAVITY WAVES, GRAVITATIONAL INTERACTION AND RADIATION, OPTIMUM DESIGN OF GRAVITATIONAL ANTENNAS. Articles on concentric gravitation, tachyon fields, pressure/energy density, super-gravity, origin of gravity, pushing gravity, gravity waves, pressure zone, gravity induced resonant gravity-fields, mass sensors, gravity-wave astronomy, gravity-wave sources, interstellar gravitation radiation, Eotvos experiment, laser transducer, gravitational antennas and radiators, hydromagnetic and fundamental particles, measuring speed of gravitational interaction, notes from Robert L. Forward, finite velocity of gravitational fields, dynamic gravitational fields, designing a gravitational antenna for maximum gain, field patterns, frequency limitations, equations, and more. GRAV-04 Ç 209 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $32.00
TIME TRAVEL AND THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT, TIME AND THE GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY, GRAVITATIONAL RADIATION IN SPACE-TIME, ELECTRO-DYNAMIC EQUATIONS OF MOTIONS, GRAVITATIONAL CONTROL RESEARCH. Articles on atomic clocks, time machines, truth beyond the Philadelphia experiment, invisible ships, teleportation, alternative explanations, invisibility techniques, the clock paradox in free fall, accelerating frames of reference, planetary astronomy, declassified document by the University of Detroit for the Armed Services Technical Information Agency from 1960-61. Topics include detection of gravity radiation, flat space-time relativity, rotational decay, electrodynamic equations, radiative reaction, Lorentz, Dirac, equations of motion, declassified master╣s thesis for the Arms Services Technical Information Agency in 1961. Topics include Townsend Brown, control over gravity, characteristics of gravitation, research effort, chronology, and more. GRAV-05 Ç 204 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $31.00
BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON ANTI-GRAVITY TECHNOLOGYïVOLUME ONE, Compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 5 chapters (GRAV-01 through GRAV-05) combined into one book and made available at a special price. GRAV-91 Ç 888 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $115.00
BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON ANTI-GRAVITY TECHNOLOGYïVOLUME TWO, Compiled by Tedd St. Rain. More gravity research including chapters on the role of gravitation in physics, Affine theory, effects on astronauts, speed of gravitation interaction, relativity for the experimentalist, mass detector for distant objects, guidelines to anti-gravity, zero-thrust velocity, ultracold neutrons, gravitational sensor, magnetic gradient sensors, value of ultracold neutrons, rotating inertial sensors, dynamic gravity detectors, rotating Newtonian fields, wide-band gravity antenna, gravitational gradiometer, wide-band antennas), estimated gravity, gravity from a quadruple, quantum mechanical particles, scalar and tensor radiation, terrain mapping gradiometer, estimates of gravitational radiation, and more. Note: GRAV-06 through GRAV-10 (not listed) combined into one book and made available at a special price. GRAV-92 Ç 958 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $124.00
MAN MADE UFOS AND UNDERGROUND BASES. Articles on electrogravitic craft, Nazi UFOs, patents from various inventors, no UFOs, just secrets, Washington DC 1952 UFO flap, the AVRO, Holloman AFB sighting, UFOs, serious USAF business, Project Horizon, Russian anti-gravity plane, a lengthy proposal for a US Army Lunar Outpost, Project Horizon, General Twining╣s report on UFO intelligence, info on underground bases, and more. GRAV-11 Ç 130 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $20.00
ELECTROGRAVITICS SYSTEMS: REPORTS ON A NEW PROPULSION METHODOLOGY. A reprint from the February 1956 report by the Gravity Research Group on the use of Townsend Brown patents and technologies to achieve electrogravitic flight control. Includes introductory notes, aviation report extracts, electrostatic patents, appendix of Townsend Brown patents, a summary of Townsend Brown╣s original patent specifications, the existence of negative mass, negative mass as a gravitational source of energy, and addition to articles on Area 51, Lazar, and other related topics. GRAV-12 Ç 122 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $19.00
MIND CONTROL AND ELF MANIPULATION, MIND CONTROL AND MICROWAVE HARASSMENT, MIND CONTROL AND THE CIA, MIND CONTROL AND THE MILITARY. Articles on ELFs, wave manipulation, EEG entrainment, psychotronic warfare, microwaves, the woodpecker, mind control, microwaves, electronic surveillance, directed-energy weapons, covert harassment, psychotropic drugs, medical implants, star wars, NWO, CIA brainwashing techniques, terminal human behavior control, communist brainwashing, medical abuse, William Casey, the new mental battlefield, NIKE missile base, mind fields, electronic brain control, art of mesmerism, Indian rope trick, posthypnotic amnesia, and more. MIND-01 Ç 131 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $20.00
MIND CONTROL AND PROJECT MK-ULTRA, MIND CONTROL AND PROJECT BLUEBIRD, BEWARE OF THE MIND CONTROLLERS. Documents include proceedings of the select committee on intelligence before the US Senate attempting to justify the CIA╣s program of research in behavioral modification. With testimony by ex-CIA and MK-ULTRA participants and their use of CBW, LSD, and other forms of inducement during the project. declassified and retrieved from microfilm, this document details the use of mind control drugs by the CIA in the 1950╣s. Topics include the OSI, hypnosis, psychiatry, psychology, lobotomies, various gases, hypnotic techniques, beating the polygraph, electroshock, LSD, MK-ULTRA, the use of │UFOs for psychological warfare▓ (according to a declassified CIA document), work by Martin Canon, hypnosis, US Navy brain-training, the 65 faces of Madonna, hidden television commercials, the TV junkies, and more. MIND-02 Ç 171 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $26.00
CONTROLLED OFFENSIVE BEHAVIORïUSSR. A declassified Defense Intelligence Agency document on Russian mind control. Topics include human behavior manipulations, soviet response, military psychology, psychological weapons, ESP, psychokinesis, hypnosis in medicine, artificial reincarnation, subliminals, sensory deprivation, pharmacology, and more. MIND-03 Ç 150 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $23.00
ELECTROMAGNETIC AND ACOUSTIC WEAPONRY, THE STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE AND CROP CIRCLES Articles on Russian work on acoustics, high-tech crime fighting, EM pulse weapons, the mysterious Taos ELF sound, non-linear EMAG weapons, gravitational LASERs, invisible warfare, kinetic energy weapons, weather warfare, the EMAG spectrum, earthquakes and ELFs, beached whales, SDI, crop circles, Tesla coils, Tesla╣s long-range weapon, Tesla╣s secrets, anomalous crop circle data indicating the use of high-energy particle beam weaponry, and more. MIND-04 Ç 88 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $14.00
AN OVERVIEW OF MIND CONTROL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC MANIPULATION, compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 4 chapters (MIND-01 through MIND-04) combined into one book and made available at a special price. MIND-91 Ç 613 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $79.00
DOCUMENTATION OF REMOTE AND PHYSICAL MIND CONTROL AND HEHAVIOR MODIFICATION. This volume contains documentation on mind control and behavior modification. Includes articles on hypnosis, side tone delay, electron-narccsis, ultrasonics, Artichoke, lobotomies, Project Bluebird, QKHILLTOP, the disposal problem, LSD, MK Ultra, the CIA, programmed assassin, electromagnetic fields, flickering lights, psychotronic techniques, CIA finds way to mass-produce LSD, audio-visual brain entrainment, the perfect blackjack, MKULTRA Sub-project 55, │K▓ (knockout) research, MKULTRA Sub-project 61, implanted thermistors, Ewen Cameron, psychic driving, MKULTA Sub-project 75, psychotomimetic drugs, religious cults, guided animals, drug and chemical studies, bio-electronics, activation of human behavior by remote means, neurochemistry, MKDELTA, Richard Helms, chemical and biological warfare programs at Ft Detrick, MKSEARCH, MKNAOMI, the ORD files, and much more. MIND-05 Ç 129 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $20.00
MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY PATENTS. Includes facsimiles of patents granted by the US Patent Office for the purposes of mental monitoring and mind alteration. Patents include a hearing device, apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves, method of and apparatus for inducing desired states of consciousness, method of inducing mental emotional and physical states of consciousness including specific mental activity in human beings. MIND-06 Ç 124 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $19.00
MIND CONTROL AND BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION PATENTS. Includes facsimiles of patents granted by the US Patent Office for a hearing system (microwave), silent subliminal
presentation system, system and method for controlling the nervous system of a living organism, multichannel system for and a multifractional method of controlling the nervous system of a living organism, brain wave inducing apparatus, method for obtaining neurophysiological effects, method and apparatus of brain wave form examination, method and apparatus for remotely determining information as to persons emotional state, method of changing a persons behavior, method of and apparatus for testing and indicating relaxation state of human subject, hearing device, apparatus for inducing frequency reduction in brain wave, individual identification and diagnosis using wave polarization, method for stimulation the falling asleep and/or relaxing behavior of a person and an arrangement therefore, device for the induction of specific brain wave patterns, method of inducing and maintaining various stages of sleep in the human being, apparatus for the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic disease with heat, light, sound and VHF electromagnetic radiation and much more. MIND-07 Ç 236 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $36.00
ADDITIONAL MIND CONTROL RESEARCH DOCUMENTATION. The second in a series of mind control and behavior modification. Includes declassified Army documents, Senate hearings, Jose Delgado╣s bull experiments, NCRP report, biochips, the McMartin preschool incident, psychotronic warfare, and much more. MIND-08 Ç 117 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $18.00
AN OVERVIEW OF MIND CONTROL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE DOCUMENTATION, compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 4 chapters (MIND-05 through MIND-08) combined into one book and made available at a special price. MIND-92 Ç 604 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $78.00
PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE. Articles on psychological weapons, the U.N., mind control by the media, Sirhan Sirhan letter and affidavit, psychiatric mind altering drugs, guns and doses, ritalin, psychiatric education, classroom shootings, and many others on the continuing programmed mayhem. MIND-09 Ç 216 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $33.00
MIND CONTROL NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINE ARTICLES. Topics include pentagon quest, influence of low intensity microwave on nervous function, mind-reading computer, big brother╣s tools are ready, ray gun is novel weapon, inventor hides secret of death ray, covert operations of the U.S. NSA, machines to read you mind, science fiction comes true, mind-reading project reveals secret, human perception of illumination with UHF electromagnetic energy, advances in neuroscience may threaten human rights, CIA able to control mind by hypnosis data shows, a fearful fix grips figure, a question of madness, pentagon unveils plans for a new crowd dispersal weapon, DoD looks at Russian mind control technology, mind control is a terrible thing to waste, spy budget made public by mistake, drug test by CIA, researchers get a peak at the brain╣s thought process, 14-year CIA project on controlling human behavior, pentagon to curtail electromagnetic tests, matador with radio stops bull, phaser on stun, exotic weaponry checked, an overview of a government mind control program, less-than-lethal weapons, voices lead to tragedy for two men, gunman╣s bizarre claims, big brother╣s coming, non-lethal weapons, ex-con plans class action suit again mind control, criminals can be brainwashed now, the mind╣s eye, effect of microwave radiation on birds, non-thermal effects, bill on leaks to media, mind control on the way scientist warns, new Tesla device like bolts of Thor, a new class of weapons and more. MIND-10 Ç 144 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $22.00
ELECTROMAGNETIC TECHNOLOGY AND MIND CONTROL. Articles on mind wars, the zapping of America, cross currents, the guinea pigs, the sorcerer╣s challenge, non-lethal defense conference synopsis, federal regulation of medical devices, less-than-lethal weapons project, freedom of the mind as an international human rights issue, the development of new anti-personnel weapons, the soft kill fallacy, excerpt of CIA plan, CIA funds project at hospital, Mankind Research Unlimited Inc., symbiotic technology and education, bang you╣re alive, a subliminal Dr. Strangelove, pulsing magnets offer new method of mapping brain, lecturers worried by secret research projects, Hong Kong professor sues U.S. for mind control, microwave harassment and mind control experimentation, a letter from a victim, bombing suspects lose bid for secret files, mind controlled slave, electronic computer harassment, woman kills clerk at FCC headquarters, ailing mother who killed girl seeks release, accused murderer says he╣s the victim, suspect in Pentagon killing is found unfit to stand trial, allegation of behavior modification program using electronic surveillance, such things are known, woman fears government zapping, humans used as guinea pigs, non-lethal weapons, new world vistas, architectural electromagnetic shielding handbook, military use of space, low-intensity conflict and modern technology, the revolution in military affairs and conflict short of war, mind control testimony, electromagnetic pollution, CIA memorandum on controlling human behavior, the Smithsonian secret, mind reach, sites unseen and more. MIND-11 Ç 180 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $27.00
ELECTROMAGNETIC MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY. Includes articles and documentation on the îproblem╣ defined, scientists and authors who have discussed this topic, classified program after cointelpro, the technology described, timeline of significant events, ideological problems, proof of EMF and mind control technology ignored, government cover-up in EMF policy, institutional problems, classified military research at universities, CIA stops non-conformity with its policy, interest groups control research and public information, military-industrial conference, bureaucratic problems, deeply entrenched classification system, illegal government experiments, electoral problems, general public unaware, information overload and suppression of information, economic problems, victims vs. US government, HAARP, advocacy groups, civil and political rights in the United States, working on the solution, planning for the miracle. MIND-12 Ç 200 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $30.00
AN OVERVIEW OF ELECTROMAGNETIC MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH DOCUMENTATION, compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 4 chapters (MIND-09 through MIND-12) combined into one book and made available at a special price. MIND-93 Ç 740 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $96.00
WEATHER MODIFICATION, CONTROL AND HAARP. MIND-13 Ç 110 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $17.00
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1977. Articles include the tri-service program, interaction of microwave and radio frequency radiation with biological systems, biological function as influenced by low-power modulated RF energy, microwave radiation safety standards in eastern Europe, absence of heart-rate effects in rabbits during low-level microwave irradiation, evidence for non-thermal effects of microwave radiation, quantifying hazardous electromagnetic fields, induced fields and heating within a cranial structure irradiated by an electromagnetic plane wave, new techniques for implementing microwave biological exposure systems, electromagnetic fields and relative heating patterns due to a rectangular aperture source in direct contact with bi-layered biological tissue, microwave heating of simulated human limbs by aperture sources, determination and elimination of hazardous microwave fields aboard Naval ships, selective electromagnetic heating of tumors in animals in deep hypothermia, prolongation of life during high-intensity microwave exposures, microwave of the 1970s, 1973 international microwave symposium, power deposition in a spherical model of man exposed to 1 to 20 megahertz of electromagnetic fields, characterizations of non-linearities in microwave devices and systems, general acoustic signals by pulsed microwave energy, on microwave-induced hearing sensation, rank reduction of ill-conditioned matrices in wave-guide junction problems, further studies on the microwave auditory effect, theoretical analysis of acoustical signal generation in materials irradiated with microwave energy and more. MIND-15 Ç 195 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $30.00
ALIEN ABDUCTION AS ARCHETYPE OR PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS. Articles on extraterrestrial nightmares, mass programming, alien invasion propaganda, project open book, anatomy of an abduction, the search for signals from space, that alien feeling, holographic universe, Rockefeller/UFO connection, J. Dewey, UFO briefing document, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, unmasking the disinformers, demons, doctors and aliens, CIA/UFO links, Linda Napolitano, and more. MIND-17 Ç 163 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $25.00
AN OVERVIEW OF WEATHER, OPTIONS OTHER THAN WAR, MICROWAVE THEORY, BIOTELEMETRY, RF WEAPONS AND ALIEN ABDUCTION, compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 5 chapters (MIND-13 through MIND-17) combined into one book and made available at a special price. MIND-94 Ç 697 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $90.00
FOOD, FLUORIDE, and MERCURY POISONING, MALATHION AND PESTICIDE POLLUTION, CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE. Articles on fluoride╣s link to bone cancer, mercury amalgams and antibiotic resistance, new carpets and illness, drug residues in milk, food irradiation, male impotence, agent orange, pesticides, malathion, the medfly, toxic waste, Nazi development of nerve agents and pesticides, maternal exposure, sensitivities, chemical legacy, cholinesterase poisoning, CBW and universities, Army testing on civilians, the Dengue epidemic, CIA-FBI ties, UCSF testing, Congressional appropriations, flesh-eating bacteria, and more. CBW-01 Ç 171 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $26.00
THE AIDS PANDEMIC FROM CAIB, AIDS AND POPULATION CONTROL, HIV-NEGATIVE NON-CONTAGIOUS AIDS. Articles from CovertAction Intelligence Bulletin on the AIDS epidemic. Includes six theories of origin, genetic engineering, population control, dioxin, Dengue, Maguari, CBW, African swine flu, co-factors, smallpox vaccine, Fort Detrick, resource list, the Congressional appropriations for an AIDS-like biological agent, an AIDS contract, designer diseases, genetic engineering, polio, skull valley, other methods of population control, HIV-negative AIDS including AIDS link to chemicals, the Iatrogenic connection, acquisition from drugs, the American connection, immunizations, Peter Duesberg reprint, and more. CBW-02 Ç 177 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $27.00
REPORTS ON WORLD DEPOPULATION, ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE AND AIDS, THE PHARMACEUTICAL AND MEDICAL CARTELS. Articles on Haig-Kissinger depopulation policy, how Kissinger, Bush and Scowcroft plotted Third World genocide, the agendas of the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, Global 2000, neutralizing AIDS with vitamins, using ozone, Bob Beck neutralizer, alternative therapies, resource guides, FDA raids, licensing, fighting for your rights, the war on supplements, HR 3642, pharmaceutical companies, health cartels and more. CBW-03 Ç 138 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $21.00
A PROFILE OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE METHODS, compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 3 chapters (CBW-01 through CBW-03) combined into one book and made available at a special price. CBW-91 Ç 486 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $63.00
HIV AND AIDS DOCUMENTATION. Articles on 50 USC 1520, release of germ warfare in Capital, experiments on civilian populations, AIDS references, chronology of AIDS in America, Chemical and Biological Warfare House Hearings 1970, viruses as pesticides, germ warfare accident, what the government doesn╣t tell you about AIDS, saliva and HIV, killer condoms, herd immunity and the HIV epidemic, multi-drug resistant TB, resistance of AIDS virus at room temperature, HIV agent summary statement, CDC response to crisis, house of commons report on problems associated with AIDS, and more. CBW-04 Ç 139 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $21.00
HIV AND AIDS IN PRINT. Articles from a variety of sources including the wire services, major newspapers, magazines, and journals. Topics include news from the early 90s, how HIV, works, AIDS contracted through soccer injury, South African AIDS, HIV remains active, Smallpox vaccine, hybrid AIDS, AIDS and the dentist, AIDS vs Ebola, the AIDS Hotel, candidiasis, modern Galileos, WHO╣s influence, replication of the AIDS virus, measles incident rate, Bovine leukemia virus, Robert Gallo, Fort Detrick, viral oncology, leukemia and sarcoma, special virus cancer program 1971, grants, annual funding, monkey inoculation and more. CBW-05 Ç 137 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $21.00
THE ORIGIN OF AIDS, ARTICLES AND REPORTS ON THE SUBJECT. Articles on diet versus AIDS, the origin of AIDS, the epidemic of lies, is African swine flu fever the cause, HTLV-3, healing AIDS naturally, AIDS inc., the AIDS/nuclear fallout connection, understanding AIDS, AIDS and hepatitis, updates on AIDS and blood, AIDS link to smallpox vaccine, Cocaine spurs AIDS, epidemic of AIDS in Africa, science by name calling, misconduct in AIDS discovery by Gallo, AIDS and immunity, a different kind of plague, stress and your immune system, the untreated live longer, doctor╣s strike - death rate falls, the heretic, Peter Duesberg interview, complexity of AIDS, weapons against AIDS, double danger of AIDS, AIDS and civil rights, theoretical background for treatment, surviving AIDS, dueling hypotheses, rethinking AIDS, the HIV gap, AIDS epidemiology, AIDS acquired by drug consumption and other non-contagious risk factors, disputed test and more. CBW-06 Ç 148 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $23.00
GULF WAR ILLNESS AND ITS CAUSES AND SECRECY. This package explores the alarming escalation of death and illnesses related to Dessert Shield / Desert Storm and what can be done about it. Includes articles on vaccination waivers, Secretary of Defense memorandum, cover-up of Gulf War Syndrome, U.S. Senate report on sales of biologicals/chemicals to Iraq, et al, military research, chronic fatigue illnesses and Gulf War syndrome, info on Cipro, Biaxin, Doxycycline, etc, Libya, secrecy, storage locations, and much more. CBW-07 Ç 105 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $16.00
AN OVERVIEW OF HIV AND AIDS, ORIGINS OF AIDS, AND THE GULF WAR ILLNESS, compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 4 chapters (CBW-04 through CBW-07) combined into one book and made available at a special price. CBW-92 Ç 530 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $69.00
CHEMICAL AGENT AND WEAPONS RESEARCH. This gem of a report, released under the FOIA, details the Use of Volunteers in Chemical Agent Research. It begins with a series of correspondence between the department of the Army and the Surgeon General which covers private citizens, claims against the government, life insurance, legality of accepting volunteers. The report then continues with a history of chemical warfare, psychochemicals, LSD, perception of the threat, human volunteer selection, informed consent, chemical warfare experimentation with humans at Edgewood Arsenal, field testing in Fort Bragg, Fort McClellan, Fort Benning, and Dugway Proving Ground, Intelligence Corps LSD testing, thrid chance, derby hat, contracts with civilian institutions, research costs and a bibliography. CBW-08 Ç 179 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $27.00
BIOLOGICAL AND BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION TESTING INVOLVING HUMAN SUBJECTS BY THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. The complete project MK-ULTRA senate report, and additional documentation, details over 30 years of experiments conducted by the Department of Defense on the American people without their knowledge or consent. This shocking document reveals the numerous government test of biological weapons in places like New York, where biologicals were released in the subway systems, Pennsylvania, where tunnels were filled with live organisms, as well as spraying off the coast of California to see how far inland disease would spread. CBW-09 Ç 175 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $27.00
HUMANDRUGTESTING BY THE C.I.A. More evidence of the government╣s involvement in human experimentation for the purpose of controlling people and their actions. Proceedings from Senate hearings on the subject, and more. CBW-10 Ç 269 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $41.00
AN OVERVIEW OF CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL AND BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATIONS, AND HUMAN DRUG TESTING, compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 3 chapters (CBW-08 through CBW-10) combined into one book and made available at a special price. CBW-93 Ç 623 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $81.00
DON╣T GET THAT VACCINE: DOCUMENTATION ON THE DANGER OF VACCINES, IMMUNIZATIONS, BOOSTER AND FLU SHOTS. Topics include anti-vaccinists, immunization a deadly farce, mandatory vaccinations, CDR MMWR, immunizing children, vaccination dangers, baby shots, state law changes, medical time bomb, HHS lawsuit, Lederle Acellular vaccine, CDC eliminated DPT contraindications, WHO killed Africa, Pertussis vaccine can cause brain damage, dangers of immunization, baby spits up vaccine - gives dad polio, is HIV the cause of AIDS, hour of time transcript, the germ theory, Enderlein therapy, ozone therapy, milk pasteurization, court transcripts, different reactions, excerpts from the book The Wonderful Century by Alfred Russel Wallace 1899 and morex. CBW-11 Ç 252 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $38.00
THE ROYAL R. RIFE REPORT, NEW MICROSCOPES, CORRESPONDENCE, PHOTOS, AND VACCINATION AS AN ILLUSION. COLLOIDAL SILVER, ELECTRO MEDICINE, BOB BECK╣S RESEARCH, AND MORE. The Royal Raymond Rife was best known for the invention of a microscope in the 1930s that could detect very small bacteria and even viruses. Once he was able to see the pathogen in question he started experimenting with electromagnetic frequency bombardment and developed data on which pathogens were affected, and killed, by which frequencies. At first he had the backing of medical science and the FDA, but when the technology was shown to be effective at very little cost to the patient the powers-that-be shut his research down, the laboratory mysterious burned down, and he ended up dying in a federal prison as a result. A must read for people not familiar with his work. Also includes the history of colloidal silver, blue bloods, the plague, banishing disease, building your own colloidal silver generator, Bob Beck╣s research, biological warfare and more. CBW-12 Ç 172 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $26.00
AN OVERVIEW OF ROYAL R. RIFE, VACCINATION HAZARDS, ELECTROMEDICINE, ACUPUNCTURE, ACUPRESSURE AND MORE, compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 3 chapters (CBW-11 through CBW-13) combined into one book and made available at a special price. CBW-94 Ç 664 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $86.00
GEM THERAPY, SRI KANTA, NATURE AND POWER OF GEMS, GEMS AND COSMIC RAYS, FIVE ELEMENTS AND DIET, TELETHERAPY, DISEASES AND GEM PRESCRIPTIONS. Gem therapy is very popular in certain parts of Asia and in India. This compilation contains excerpts from books on the subject, notes from a class and additional excerpts from an out-of-print book called îgem therapy.╣ Topics include the seven rays of the rainbow, nature and power of gems, gems and cosmic rays, gems and the rainbow, gems in ayurvedic, gems in astrology, gem therapy and applied science, disease and cosmic rays, the seven plexii and disease, gem teletherapy the subtle anatomy of man, gem medicines, gem prescriptions, and some case studies. CBW-14 Ç 235 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $36.00
RATIONAL BACTERIOLOGY: ELEMENTS OF DRUGLESS THERAPIES FOR DISEASE 1933. Topics include bacteria in general, study bacteria, pathogenicity, infection, immunity, classifications, staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, gram negative, coliform group, spore forming anaerobes, cholera, diphtheria, tubercle, animal parasites, filterable viruses, bacteriophage, cell division, crystallization, infection, pathology, the Biont cycle, etiology, hematopoiesis, platelets, neurology, inoculation, allergies, significance to chiropractors, bacteriology and the scientific method, theory of immunity, the theory of microzyma, and more. CBW-15 Ç 181 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $28.00
SPIRIT OF î76: ROOTS OF FREEDOM, THE NOW: SURRENDERING OUR NATION, THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. Includes the Declaration of Independence, the Monroe doctrine, the Gettysburg Address, the Star Spangled Banner, The Constitution, giving up US sovereignty, includes the Marine questionnaire, concentration camps for US citizens, the UN, a world police force, MJTF, REX î84, foreign troops in US, CIA╣s role in spying, bombing, BCCI, Watergate, Dulles, Castro, Pan Am 103, and more. NWO*01 Ç 135 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $21.00
MYSTERIOUS DEATH AND MURDER CONSPIRACIES, WACO OKC AND MILITIAS, FEMA VS YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, THE NEW WORLD ORDER SPOTLIGHT EXPOSE. Articles on the mysterious deaths of Star Wars scientists at Marconi, USS Liberty-gate, Kemper Marley, Casolaro and INSLAW, Wackenhut annual reports, JFK, Waco, the Partin report on OKC, the Fed-Up intelligence summary, citizens militias, swat standoffs, from Salem to Waco, Waco search warrant, executive orders, computerization, Carter╣s legacy, US dictatorship, secret activities, the proper crisis, mount weather, undefined emergency, NSDD-47, the trilateral commission, elite planning, world government, NWO, US Dictatorship, Constitution suspended, Bilderbergs, Middle East, Central America, and more. NWO-02 Ç 221 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $34.00
REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS: NEW WORLD ORDER, FASCISM ALIVE IN AMERICA TODAY, SMART CARDS TOWARDS A CASHLESS SOCIETY, IMPLANTABLE MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGIES. A new-age newsletter outlining the NWO. Topics include street gangs, one world religion, the UN, economic meltdown, microchip implants, gun control, the UN, an American police state, forfeiture laws, NSDDs, neo-fascism, global plantation, environmental regulations, America in Peril, public conditioning for smart cards, big brother, health cards, electronic transfers, the │MARC,▓ redesigned currency, hand and fingerprint scanners, euro-dollars, barcodes, implantable biochips, eye-in-the-sky, Destron/IDI, AVID, InfoPet, Trovan, gun triggers, the beast, teeth wired for sound, implanted psychics, brain implants, misc. articles, and more. NWO-03 Ç 190 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $29.00
HISTORICAL TIMELINES OF HUMAN HISTORY, THE SECRET HISTORY AND GENEALOGY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER, BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON BUSH SR. AND CLINTON. A compilation of timelines from various sources. from 40,000 BC to 1985 AD. An interesting assortment of facts on the history of the human race. Also includes papers that detail the influence of the Rockefellers, freemasonry, Bush and Clinton, banking cartels, Bilderbergers, committee of 300, Phoenix project, genealogical charts, John Birchers, Perot, Jupiter Island, Prescott and Neil Bush, Harriman, Hitler and Nazism, opium smuggling, skull and bones, Zapata oil, CIA, JFK, and more. NWO-04 Ç 169 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $26.00
A NEW WORLD ORDER TOWARDS A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, Compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 4 chapters (NWO-01 through NWO-04) combined into one book and made available at a special price. NWO-91 Ç 792 or 715 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $102.00 or $93.00
THE COVERT INTELLIGENCE FILES. A compilation of documents which detail the ongoing government involvement in illicit activities. Topics include Clinton╣s association with Dan Lasater, Don Tyson and Drug Smuggling in Arkansas, the death of Vince Foster, a closer look at the Whitewater investigation, Larry Nichols, Paula Jones, and much more. Includes military intelliegence files. NWO-05 Ç 225 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $34.00
DRUGS, LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FOREIGN POLICY: HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON TERRORISM, NARCOTICS and INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, UNITED STATES SENATE. As the name implies these are the proceedings discussing Drugs and Terrorism, presided over by the Hon. John F. Kerry, chairman of the subcommittee. The │Kerry Hearings,▓ as they have become known use îhooded╣ witnesses (from the witness protection program), military generals, and a New York district attorney, amongst others, to blow the lid off of drug smuggling operations south of the border. It has long been know of CIA╣s involvement in these covert operations but this congressional testimony is another smoking gun as to Gen. Noriega and Bill Casey╣s participation. NWO-06 Ç 192 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $29.00
CIA DRUG SMUGGLING AND FORFEITURE LAWS, THE PHONY WAR AGAINST DRUGS, U.S. GOVERNMENT IMPORTATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF DRUGS. A comprehensive collection on the government╣s ongoing involvement in the world-wide drug trade, profits from which fund many clandestine and/or black budget projects. Articles include the CIA and the war on drugs, LSD, laundering, S&Ls, Iran-Contra, property seizure, civil forfeiture, informants, legalization, FIJA, drug cartels, drug raids, dope squads, Asian heroin, extensive documentation on the Mena connection, Terry Reed, Bill Clinton, the big white lie, the CIA and crack cocaine, Michael Ruppert ongoing work, court documents, Senate hearings, the doping of America, John Kerry hearings, opium and national security. NWO-07 Ç 304 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $46.00
AN OVERVIEW OF THE INTELLIGENCE FILES, CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND THE DRUG WAR, Compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 3 chapters (NWO-05 through NWO-07) combined into one book and made available at a special price. NWO-92 Ç 721 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $94.00
CONCENTRATION CAMPS IN AMERICA, CIVILIAN LABOR PROGRAM, FM 41-10 EXCERPTS, OPERATION GARDEN PLOT, PABST DOCUMENT. Learn about the Army╣s Draft Regulations on their │Civilian Labor Program.▓ Designed primarily for civilian inmates, there is much speculation on the purpose of prison-like facilities sitting empty (for the time being) nationwide. The next document is an excerpt from FM 41-10, the Civil Affairs Operations Manual from the U.S. Army. Up next is the U.S. Air Force╣s │civil disturbance plan▓ codenamed │Garden Plot,▓ is a classic from the 1980s on how the Air Force would use it╣s personnel in the event of civil unrest in this country. Finally, another classic from 1979 called │Concentration Camp Plans for U.S. Citizens. NWO-08 Ç 245 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $37.00
THE UNITED NATIONS AND GLOBAL GOVERNMENT. Includes text from U.S. Senate resolutions relative to the United Nations charter from 1950, Hegelian Principle, global government, War Powers act, Isolationism, North Atlantic treaty, collective security with the U.N., disarmament, U.N. Headquarters agreement 1947, Foreign Affairs list for U.N., 16th Amendment violated, treaties vs. The Constitution, Foreign Affairs: The Hard Road to World Order, House hearing on The World Trade Organization, the United States program for general and complete disarmament in a peaceful world, charter of the U.N. and more. NWO-09 Ç 151 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $23.00
THE POLITICS OF CHANGE IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM. An fascinating Resolution (No. 447-74) of the Board of Supervisors of the County of El Dorado, California concerning the restructuring of local government in the event of a government╣s │collapse,▓ a │crisis▓ or some other such │catastrophe▓ as to render the present government invalid. The Summary of Conclusions in this report states │There must be a CLIMATE FOR CHANGE in order for the restructuring of local government to occur, whether this restructuring involves drastic reform, reorganization, modernization, or a minor administrative alignment.▓ No doubt resolutions such as this have been îpassed╣ nationwide. NWO-10 Ç 114 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $18.00
THE JFK-TIPPIT CONNECTION AND THE TWO OSWALDS. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested in a Texas theater for the murder of police officer J. D. Tippit on November 22, 1963. Officer Tippit, who bore a striking resemblance to President Kennedy, was murdered within 45 minutes of the shooting of the president, and less than 4 miles away. Eyewitness reports of the dead president after the autopsy, including Jackie╣s, indicated that Kennedy │did not look like himself.▓ Is there a connection? This report investigates the coincidences between the murders of these two men, includes autopsy and medical reports of Kennedy, Tippit and Oswald. Interesting reading for those so inclined. NWO-11 Ç 82 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $13.00
AN OVERVIEW OF CONCENTRATION CAMPS, THE U.N. AND GLOBAL GOVERNMENT, POLITICS OF CHANGE, AND JFK-TIPPIT CONNECTION compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 4 chapters (NWO-08 through NWO-11) combined into one book and made available at a special price. NWO-93 Ç 592 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $77.00
GUN CONTROL, THE NRA, STATE PRE-EMPTION, AND THE L.E.A.A. For the past two decades the National Rifle Association has been bastion of gun-owner╣s rights in America. However, they╣ve stood by while state-after-state have based │pre-emption▓ laws, in effect regulating personal firearms on the state level, and in many cases placing extremely restrictive bans on all types of firearms. This package provides ongoing documentation of this issue with articles on firearms pre-emption laws, a national strategy to reduce crime, handguns, NRA soft on guns, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (L.E.A.A.), omnibus crime control and safe streets act, federal pre-emption of state and local authority, NRA anti-gun vote, and more. NWO-12 Ç 170 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $26.00
THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: 1998-99 ANNUAL REPORT. Learn about today╣s CFR, as it becomes a │more national and more diverse▓ organization. This fancy report reveals more by what it doesn╣t say. Includes the role of the CFR, studies program, meetings program, Washington program (remember it╣s based in NYC), national program, corporate program, publishing endeavors, committee lists of the board, by-laws of the council, budget and finance, staff, membership selection and roster, and more. NWO-13 Ç 143 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $22.00
THE NEW WORLD ORDER, THE NEW AMERICA THE NEW WORLD, AND THE ANNALS OF BOHEMIAN GROVE. Few people are aware that in the 1930s the famous author H.G. Wells wrote a book called The New World Order. While considered tame compared to today╣s standards of what comprises the new world, his views on the │new revolution▓ and │class warfare▓ have become the standards we have come to live by. H.G. Wells had previously written another book called The New America, The New World in which he details his vision for where America is positioned in the forecast of our future. This volume concludes with an excerpt from │The Annals of the Bohemian Club: Volume VI, 1973-1987.▓ Don╣t ask, don╣t tell. For those with an interest in such things, these 38 pages are dynamite. For those of you not in the │know,▓ Bohemian Grove is an exclusive resort on a stand of ancient redwoods in California that hosts special events for the global elite and a two-week long conference in July where world leaders watch and sometimes take part in theatrical acts and plays some of which involve worshiping an owl deity, mock human sacrifices, cremation rituals, and other unusual activities. NWO-14 Ç 155 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $24.00
STATE OF ILLINOIS NATIONAL GUARD INTERNAL SECURITY PLAN: STATE MILITARY FORCES SUPPORT TO CIVIL AUTHORITITES. An example from Springfield, IL, of the plans in place nationwide for using the national guard and other military forces to quell civil disturbances. Includes definitions, civilian responsibility, military planning, laws governing the use of troops, advice and counsel for members of the national guard, public affairs, operations, logistics, communications, intelligence, fiscal implications, ammunition, civil disturbance conditions, and more. NWO-15 Ç 102 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $16.00
AN OVERVIEW OF GUN CONTROL, THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, THE NEW WORLD ORDER, BOHEMIAN GROVE, INTERNAL SECURITY PLAN AND MORE, compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 4 chapters (NWO-12 through NWO-15) combined into one book and made available at a special price. NWO-94 Ç 570 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $74.00
THE ANTICHRIST,THE U.N., THE N.W.O. AND THE CLUB OF ROME. NWO-16 Ç 109 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $17.00
BLUEPRINT FOR THE PEACE RACE: OUTLINE OF BASIC PROVISIONS OF A TREATY ON A GENERAL AND COMPLETE DISARMAMENT IN A PEACEFUL WORLD, U.S. ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT POLICY, GORBACHEV╣S PERESTROIKA, FREEDOM FROM WAR. Articles on the basic outline of the proposed treaty, arms control and disarmament, in the cause of peace, worldwide anti-missile defense system, should the U.N. have an army?, the U.S. ACDA, post-cold war plan, perestroika, Russia, Iraq, U.N. Charter revisions 1950, 1953, visit of Gorbachev, U.N. operations, 21st-Century Asia, the Dis-United States, Brady Bill, freedom from war, declaration of disarmament and more. NWO-17 Ç 219 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $33.00
WORLD STATE╣S SUPER SECRET CONSTITUTION, FEDERAL RESERVE RESOLUTIONS, THE U.N., THE LAWS OF WAR, DECLARATION OF AN AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY POWERS, FOREIGN POLICY ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT. Includes reports on a highly restrictive secret document setting up a new world government which would supplant the U.N., abolish the U.S. and other countries as nations and govern, tax and regulate the world╣s people. Also articles on SCA-25, necessity to abolish, trading with the enemy, constitutional sources of the laws of war, federal reserve act commentary from 1933, our foreign policy, armed forces laws and more. NWO-18 Ç 271 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $41.00
AN OVERVIEW OF THE U.N., THE CLUB OF ROME, BLUEPRINT FOR PEACE, LAWS OF WAR, AND BILLIONS FOR THE BANKERS, compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 4 chapters (NWO-16 through NWO-19) combined into one book and made available at a special price. NWO-95 Ç 699 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $91.00
TALES FROM THE TREASURY, BACKGROUND ON THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, UNDERSTANDING THE UNIFORM COMMERICAL CODE, SOVEREIGN CITIZENSHIP. In the 1970╣s and 80╣s Byron C. Dale wrote a series of letters back and forth to the treasury department asking a series of questions about our money. Topics include the federal reserve, lawful money, cost per coin, cost per note, definition of a dollar, how is money created, treasury notes, t-bills, national gold banks, request for redemption of currency, and many more entertaining and informative exchanges. Also articles on the federal reserve, the Rothschilds, Warburgs, J.P. Morgan, board of governors, bankrupting America, brief history of the Federal Reserve, what went wrong, know your money (from the Fed), Swiss banks, Chase, currency makeover, the UCC connection, legal tyranny, jurisdiction, admiralty courts, remedy and recourse, zip codes, common law contract, the lawyer╣s secret oath, the 1867 constitution, 14th amendment, universal citizens, informed consent, government bankruptcy, what to do when they ask for your SSN, your SSN decoded, debtors and creditors, legal fraud, and more. SOV-01 Ç 192 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding 29.00
BACKGROUND ON THE INCOME TAX SYSTEM, DRIVING A VEHICLE IS A RIGHT NOT A PRIVILEGE, SUPPORTING EVIDENCE FROM CASE LAW CITATIONS. Articles on the early days, wealth taxes, diagrams, forms, tax reforms, travelling, driving, privileges, state proclamations, state permits, officer questionnaire, affidavit, cites, reference, case law, citizenship, Maxwell vs. Dow, 14th amendment, 5th amendment, natural rights, Twining vs. NJ, writ of habeas corpus, marriages, voter registration, allodial titles, non-citizens, employment taxes, and more. SOV-02 Ç 202 pages Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $31.00
GUIDELINES TO OUR MONETARY SYSTEM AND SOVEREIGNTY, Compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the preceding 2 chapters (SOV-01 through SOV-02) combined into one book and made available at a special price. SOV-91 Ç 479 pages Ç illustrated Ç 8 1/2 x 11 Ç stapled binding Ç $63.00
COMPLETE RESEARCH ARCHIVE, Compiled by Tedd St. Rain. One each of the
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